We will take a few minutes at the beginning of class to review and then take the vocab quiz.
If you have vocab definitions for next week this weekend might be a good time to get them posted to the wiki page. Many of you have not yet completed your vocab definitions for lists 7, 8, 9 or 10 - it would be a good idea to get them posted as soon as you can so you can mark that off of your "to do" list. Also remember that all of the vocab words for lists 7, 8, 9, and 10 are posted on the wiki page.
After completing the vocab quiz you will need to complete FA4. One of the major problems we had with the last formatting activity was that many people sent me a link to their Google Doc instead of the actual Microsoft Word file. That usually poses a problem because I can't access your Google account, and therefore I can't open your Google Doc…and that means I can't grade your assignment.
When you are done with FA4 then you need to open Excel and type the green keypad practice sheet. Make sure to use the same procedures we used earlier in the week in terms of putting Drill 1 in Column A, Drill 2 in Column B, and so on.
Once you get done keying the green sheet raise your hand and I will come around and check what you have done. Then you will be allowed to go to the practice websites on the blog - with your speed skin on your keyboard.
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