On this webpage you will find the information needed for the vocabulary words for this semester. You will find the document that has what week you are responsible for defining words (shown below each class hour).
When looking at your class hour, you will notice numbers next to your name and below a specific week (for example, week 1 or week 5). These represent the words on the list you are responsible for defining, and the week you are responsible for defining words and posting them on the Wikispaces page for the rest of the class to use as a resource for studying vocab quizzes with. For example, you might have a "3,4" next to your name in week 5. If that is the case, then for week #5 you are responsible for defining words 3 and 4 on the list (start from the top and work down to get to your words). You can do the research to find the definitions to your words as early as you want (there are several websites listed below that you can use to find definitions), but you won't be able to post them until the beginning of the week that your words are on the vocab list. In other words (using the above example), you can look up the definitions to words 3 and 4 as soon as you want, but you will not be able to post your definitions until the beginning of week 5.
You will find all 10 vocabulary lists located in order at the very bottom of this webpage.
Here are several websites that may help you in finding a definition for your word:
Green House 1st Hour
Green House 2nd Hour
Green House 3rd Hour
Green House 5th Hour
Green House 8th Hour