Wednesday, November 20

Embedding video; Alice

Yesterday we learned about a new program called Alice - today we are going to expand our knowledge of Alice and what its capabilities are.  We are going to start working on the first Alice project.  You are going to have today and tomorrow to work on this - however, this is not for a grade.  Your goal is to complete this tutorial - once you do you will have an even better idea of what Alice can do.

Alice Space tutorial

When this message box pops up on your screen in Alice you should do a SAVE AS!  If you click on "Save right now" you will be able to save your file where you want.  Save to your desktop!  Give your file a name that you can remember, then add your first and last name to the end of the filename (for example, Alice1_tomhanks).  If you save it to your desktop, the next time that message pops up you'll be able to click on "Save right now" and replace that file that you have on the desktop.  Then, at the end class you'll be able to easily upload your file to your Google Drive and know what the file is.

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