Friday, November 22

Vocab quiz #8; finish Alice Space World tutorial

You'll have a few minutes before class starts to review for the vocab quiz.  Do not go to Classmarker until I ask you to do so.

After completing the vocab quiz you'll have the rest of the hour to finish the Space World tutorial in Alice.  The instructions are embedded in yesterday's blogpost.

Wednesday, November 20

Embedding video; Alice

Yesterday we learned about a new program called Alice - today we are going to expand our knowledge of Alice and what its capabilities are.  We are going to start working on the first Alice project.  You are going to have today and tomorrow to work on this - however, this is not for a grade.  Your goal is to complete this tutorial - once you do you will have an even better idea of what Alice can do.

Alice Space tutorial

When this message box pops up on your screen in Alice you should do a SAVE AS!  If you click on "Save right now" you will be able to save your file where you want.  Save to your desktop!  Give your file a name that you can remember, then add your first and last name to the end of the filename (for example, Alice1_tomhanks).  If you save it to your desktop, the next time that message pops up you'll be able to click on "Save right now" and replace that file that you have on the desktop.  Then, at the end class you'll be able to easily upload your file to your Google Drive and know what the file is.

Learning to use Alice; cache video

After watching the above video we are going to start today with learning to use a program called Alice. The purpose of using Alice is to learn to think like a computer programmer.  This is a detailed piece of software, but I think you'll find it fun to use as you learn to think about problems analytically and sequentially (or to think about how to complete a problem step-by-step).  Here are the different areas of Alice:

Object Tree

Details panel:

World View:

Events Area:

Method (code) editor:

Tuesday, November 19

Complete FA6; bytes and GB; reminders

Before we get into what we're doing today in class I have a couple of informational items that need to be shared.  First, last week we watched a video on the History of the Internet, and several of you missed that day and consequently missed the quiz over the video.  In order to make sure everyone gets their quizzes back in a timely manner I need to have everyone take the quiz by this Friday.  If you do not take the quiz by this Friday you will receive a zero for a grade.

Secondly, I am going to implement a new policy in class that requires you to keep your speed skin on the keyboard.  Every time I see you keying without your speed skin on your keyboard you are going to lose 10% of the assignment you are working on.  So, if you are caught 3 times during a formatting activity with your speed skin off the keyboard the best grade you can hope to get on that particular formatting activity would be a 70%.

On to today's class activity….

To start with we are going to discuss the differences in computer memory.  On the vocabulary list for this week is byte and GB - we'll talk about those two and many other different sizes of computer memory.  After today you should be able to go home and impress mom and dad with how much you know about computer memory!

Additionally we will be finishing FA6 - it needs to be printed out and handed in.  Make sure that you accomplish all of the assignment instructions before handing in.

Lastly, if you have vocab definitions for this week those need to be posted on the wiki spaces page by tonight!

Monday, November 18

FA6; vocab definitions;

Today's formatting activity has you learning how to insert symbols into your document.  Symbols can be used for a variety of reasons - to represent currencies, arrows, greek letters of the alphabet, and other symbols such as a trademark. 

Also, this is the only formatting activity that doesn't get embedded on the blog.  You will have a handout that you are given and will need to type the handout in order to complete the formatting activity.  

Below is a video that will help you to understand what a Firewall is (Firewall is one of the vocab words for this week).  

Friday, November 15

Completing FA5

Today you need to finish FA5.  Please note that this formatting activity is to be printed out instead of emailed as many of the other formatting activities have been.

Also, your crossword puzzle is due today at the beginning of the hour - make sure to put your name at the top of your page.

If you are done with both of these assignments you should work to complete any missing assignments you have.

If you are completely caught up with everything we've done then you need to type the lines below in Word with your speed skin on your keyboard.  If you get these done, raise your hand so I can see that you have completed these lines - then you can go to the practice websites:

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body that it could squirt blood 30 feet.

The flea can jump up to 350 times its body length. For a human, that would be equivalent to jumping the length of an entire football field.

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

Starfish have no brains.

The average bed is home to over 6 billion dust mites.

Just twenty seconds worth of fuel remained when Apolo 11's lunar module landed on the moon

Ten tons of space dust falls on the Earth every day

If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxey at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all.

There are 333 toilet paper squares on a toilet paper roll.

Every minute in the U.S. six people turn 17.

It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.

There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of cofee.

On average, a 4-year-old child asks 437 questions a day.

Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to hevy metal music.

Thursday, November 14

Finish FA5; crossword puzzle due tomorrow

As you work to complete FA5 today during class you will work with your speed skin on your keyboard.  The instructions for FA5 are still on yesterday's blogpost.

Additionally, the crossword puzzle given to you on Tuesday is due tomorrow.  If you have completed it you may turn it in at anytime.

Lastly, don't forget that all of the vocab words are on the wiki spaces page…therefore, if you have definitions that you need to post for either week #8, #9, or #10 you can do that now.  If you are responsible for week #8 words (the week 8 vocab quiz is next week) those definitions need to be posted by next Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 13

FA5; vocab definitions for next week; crossword puzzle

There are a couple of reminders for today…first, the crossword puzzle you were handed yesterday is due on Friday.  You may turn it in at anytime up until class on Friday if you are done with it.  Secondly, if you have vocab definitions due for next week's vocabulary list you should really consider getting those posted on the wiki spaces page.  Really that goes for any of you who have vocab definitions for Week 8 (that's next week), or Week 9 or Week 10.  As I've said numerous times before, if you wait until the last minute you probably will forget and lose points.

Today we are going to start with FA5 - this is a letter, and in my opinion may be one of the more important formatting activities that we complete during the semester.  What you are going to learn by doing this activity is how to format a letter.  That being said there are a bunch of different ways to format a letter, so this is just one example of how you can format a letter.

In any letter there are many different parts, so what we're going to do first is go to a webpage that shows the different parts of a letter.  There also are quite a few different examples of how letters can be formatted.  This might help you better understand the different parts to a letter.

After we get done looking at the various letters we will begin working on FA5, which is embedded below.


Tuesday, November 12

History of the Internet

There is no vocab quiz this week, so instead there will be crossword puzzle that will need to be completed by Friday.

Today we are going to watch this video on the Internet.

Friday, November 8

Vocab Quiz #7; SLC covers

We will be taking vocab quiz #7 at the beginning of the hour, just like normal.  You will have several minutes for review.

After the quiz you need to complete your SLC folder covers.  Remember, you need to have at least these 2 items - your name (in WordArt), and an image of your rainforest animal.  Once you have those 2 items you may add any other images or information to your cover.  These must be done today, so you will need to print the cover out before you leave class.

Once you complete the cover you should work on any assignment that you have missing.

If you are all done you may go to the practice website and practice your keying - with your speed skin on the keyboard.

Thursday, November 7

IP address vs. ISP; SLC folders

To start we will discuss the difference between an IP address and an ISP.

We also need to review the process for uploading and downloading to Google.  This is an important process, and one that we should have mastered, yet we still have some students who are not doing this correctly.

Then we will work with our SLC sheet and printing out assignments.

Lastly we will be completing the SLC folder covers.

Wednesday, November 6

Vocabulary review; Finish FA10; keyboard review

I want to go over several of the items on the vocabulary list for this week - this will be a good review as we get ready to take Vocab quiz #7 on Friday.

After going through the quick review we will continue to work on FA10 - it is due today.  The instructions are still on yesterday's blogpost.

If you are able to complete FA10 you will have a couple of keyboard reviews to do.  First, using just the keyboard, type the following:


You’ve been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

If you think Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company.

Your state has got a new law that says when a couple gets divorced, they are still legally brother and sister.

Your house still has the “WIDE LOAD” sign on the back.

You got stopped by a state trooper; He asked if you had an I.D. and said “Bout what?”

You think a stock tip is advice on worming' your hogs.

Your sister is the third generation of women in your family to conceive a baby as a result of an alien abduction

If you can burp and say your name at the same time

You think possum is “the other white meat.”

You think Sherlock Holmes is a housing project down in Biloxi.

You carried a fishing pole into Sea World.

The centerpiece on your dining room table is an original signed work by a famous taxidermist.

You think a quarter horse is a ride out in front of the Wal-Mart.

If you get done with this, choose one of the keypad handouts and type it in Excel.

Tuesday, November 5

Formatting images in Word; FA10

Yesterday we looked at inserting images into Word - today we are going to look at how you need to format them if you want to be able to move them throughout your document.  This will be an important part of understanding how images work and how to insert images into Word because you may want to move them from one place to another in the document.

I'll show you what modifications you can make to images that are inserted into Word - once I show you how and explain the different options you have then you will be given FA10 to complete.

Lastly, remember that you need to post definitions to vocab words by tomorrow!

Activity 10 -

Monday, November 4

FA10; creating a cover for SLC folder

We do have a vocab quiz this Friday - if you are responsible for defining words then you need to get your words defined and posted no later than Wednesday, Nov. 6th.

Today we are going to jump ahead a little and start to work on Formatting Activity 10.  The reason for the jump is that next week we hold our Student Led Conferences, and one of the things that we do in Computer Apps is we put a "cover" on your SLC folder.  The cover will have images that you insert into Word - so we need to learn how to do that before we are able to create your SLC folder cover.

The cover that we are going to create is going to consist of at least 2 things - your name (created using WordArt), and an image of your Rainforest animal.  Beyond that you will have some creative freedom to choose what you want to add to your folder cover (maybe a favorite sports team, for example), but as always anything that goes on the cover must be school appropriate.

Before we get to creating the SLC cover we will complete FA10 in class.

Friday, November 1

Vocab quiz #6; finish FA4

We will take a few minutes at the beginning of class to review and then take the vocab quiz.

If you have vocab definitions for next week this weekend might be a good time to get them posted to the wiki page.  Many of you have not yet completed your vocab definitions for lists 7, 8, 9 or 10 - it would be a good idea to get them posted as soon as you can so you can mark that off of your "to do" list.  Also remember that all of the vocab words for lists 7, 8, 9, and 10 are posted on the wiki page.

After completing the vocab quiz you will need to complete FA4.  One of the major problems we had with the last formatting activity was that many people sent me a link to their Google Doc instead of the actual Microsoft Word file.  That usually poses a problem because I can't access your Google account, and therefore I can't open your Google Doc…and that means I can't grade your assignment.

When you are done with FA4 then you need to open Excel and type the green keypad practice sheet.  Make sure to use the same procedures we used earlier in the week in terms of putting Drill 1 in Column A, Drill 2 in Column B, and so on.

Once you get done keying the green sheet raise your hand and I will come around and check what you have done.  Then you will be allowed to go to the practice websites on the blog - with your speed skin on your keyboard.