Friday, March 30

Think Spring Break!!

Today is obviously the last day before Spring Break!  I want to wish all of you a rejuvenating week off!  Hopefully you'll come back with a desire to work hard through the last 8 calendar weeks of the school year!

The only thing you need to get done today is your reflection on your blog. need to have an image in your blogpost that should relate to something we did this week...and that could include the Wounded Warrior assembly.  Once you get that done you can go to the keying games on the blog, unless you have work that you need to complete, in which case you should be working on it.

Keep your speedskin on your keyboard!!

See you in April!

Thursday, March 29

Crossword puzzle due!

For all classes (except 4th hour), the Crossword puzzle is due today!!  4th hour - your crossword puzzle is not due until tomorrow since I forgot to hand it out on the same day as the other classes.

If you have any missing work, you should be finishing it now.

Reminder....if you supposed to define vocab words, you need to get that done tonight!!  Check with your leader if you don't have your vocab words yet.

Hulu video #1


Wednesday, March 28

Edmodo discussion; Finish FA7

The first 10 minutes of class will be spent working in Edmodo.  Once you get to Edmodo you will see what you are to do for class.  This will be an interactive discussion for today.

Once we complete the Edmodo interactive discussion, if you have not yet finished FA7 you will need to complete that today and submit it to me by email.  The instructions are still on yesterday's blogpost.

After completing FA7 if you have any missing work get it done.  I will read off who has missing work and who does not.

The next step is to work on the Alice tutorial.  If you have finished one of the tutorials then you can start working on the other tutorial.

Tuesday, March 27

Formatting Activity 7; crossword puzzle; vocab definitions

Today we are going to work on FA7 - formatting bulleted lists and numbered lists.  I will go over how you do this in Word at the beginning of the hour, and then you will be able to work on FA7 below.

Today you will also be given a Crossword puzzle review sheet - this is due on Thursday at the beginning of the hour.

Also, if it is your responsibility to define words on the Wikispaces page please make sure that you are planning on completing that by Thursday night.  If you need to come in and work on this that is fine - just let me know.


Monday, March 26

Vocab list modification; new symbols; Alice

I am going to change this week's vocab list and quiz to better accommodate this last week before Spring Break.  With all of the activities, and with Friday's schedule being very limited in terms of class time, we are going to eliminate having a vocab quiz at the end of this week.  HOWEVER!!  if you are responsible for defining words this week that needs to be done before Friday.  I don't want people trying to do this over spring break.  I will give you several reminders this week, but anyone who does not have their vocab words defined by Friday will lose their points.  That means that the schedule online (on the vocab page on the blog) is wrong, and that we will have a vocab quiz the Friday when we return from Spring Break - even though that will only be a 4-day week.

You need to accomplish the following in Word today:

P. 42, 18A, lines 1-3 once
P. 42, 18B, lines 1-3 once (# = right shift + L2)
P. 42, 18B, lines 4-6 once (& = left shift + R1)

P. 43, 18D, lines 1-3 once (@ = right shift + L3)
P. 43, 18D, lines 4-5 once (  ( = left shift + R3)
P. 43, 18D, lines 6-7 once (  )= left shift + R4)

P. 44, 19C, lines 1-3 ( = = R4)
P. 44, 19D, lines 1-3 ( * = left shift + R2)

At this point we are done learning symbols!!  Yippee!!  However, we still have the keypad to learn, and we will do that this week and get it out of the way.

Next, you need to go to the following website and download a program called Alice.  This program teaches you how to program in a 3D programming environment.  Alice allows you to manipulate 3D objects by populating a virtual world and then creating a program to animate the objects (in computer terms it is called Object Oriented Programming - or OOP; basically it means that you are using visual objects to move around in a program, like you would do with most video games).  The website can be found by clicking here. 

Once on the website, you'll need to click on the download link, shown below:

This may take several minutes, so please be patient.  Once it is downloaded, double-click on it in the download window.  It should then automatically be posted on your desktop.  Once it shows up on your desktop open Finder (that's the blue, square smiley face) and click on the Alice 2.2 icon in the top left.  You then should see the following icon:

Click and drag this icon into your account on the server (this is the one that has the little house as an icon).  Once this is accomplished it should be saved in your account, and you can click on it in your account to open it.

If you get done with all of these lines of symbols, then open Alice and see if you can get one of the two following beginning tutorials accomplished (choose which one you want - either the Bunny or the Kangaroo):

Bunny tutorial - Alice

Kangaroo tutorial Alice

Friday, March 23

Vocab quiz; journal reflection (insert image); finish FA6

You will be given several minutes to review for the vocab quiz.  DO NOT GO TO CLASSMARKER UNTIL I ASK YOU TO!

(If you have not bookmarked Classmarker, you may want to do so when you get to the webpage; also, since you are accessing Classmarker today from a different computer you may have to type in all of your login information)

After completing the vocab quiz, write your reflection in your blog on your Journal page.  Refer back to this week's blogposts if you need a refresher on what we have accomplished.  However, we are going to add this must post to your blog with an image that represents the blogpost.

Here is how that is done:

  1. Go to Google, find a picture that you want to include.  Then click on the image - it will open in a new page.  Ctrl+click on the image, then choose Save Image As..  Save the image to your computer (your Computer Applications folder would be a good place) so you will remember where it's at.
  2. Next, go to your blog and edit your Journal entry for this week.  Click on the "Insert image" icon (it looks like this:  )
  3. Click on "Choose Files"
  4. Then you need to go to wherever you saved your picture on your computer and double click on it.
  5. Then click on "Add selected" in the bottom right hand corner.
After your image has been inserted, you can change the size and the location of the image.

After completing the blogpost on your Journal page, if you have not yet completed FA6 from yesterday it needs to be finished today and handed in.  Please do that now if you are not done.

If all of this is done and you have a missing assignment - complete it now.  For example, if you did not finish the Logo quiz earlier in the week then get it done now (it should be completed no later than today).

If you are all caught up, then you can go to the practice websites on the website resources page on the class blog.  I read online yesterday that people with good keyboarding skills are likely to earn an average of $10-$15 more per hour than those who do not have good skills - that means that by taking this class and working to improve your keyboarding skills you are making good money (even though you are not seeing any of that money right now).  I didn't do any research anywhere else on the Internet to see if this is true, so it may not be, but if it is that is a great reason to work hard to do well in here!

Thursday, March 22

RSS feeds; Formatting Activity 6

This video explains what an RSS feed is.  Many of you probably have not heard of this, but these are a great way to easily get updated information from a favorite website or blog that you follow or that you visit often.  An RSS feed is like an electronic magazine subscription.  This video does a very good job of explaining it:

RSS video link

Just a reminder ... tomorrow is a vocab quiz.  Those of you who did not post vocab definitions, there is no need at this point.  The words that you were supposed to define have already been defined.  

If you have not yet completed the Logo quiz you can finish that in class today.  Please make sure that you are working on this on your own.  Let the sub know if you are not done and they will make sure to get you your sheet of paper.  Don't take too much time - you have other work that needs to get done.

Today you are going to work on Formatting Activity 6.  The instructions for Formatting Activity 6 are in printed form.  As usual, follow the instructions step-by-step.  Everything you need to know to complete this formatting activity correctly is in the instructions. Once you have completed the formatting activity you will hand it in to the tray on my desk.  Make sure you have filename and path (do not write your name on your paper!).

After completing the formatting activity, do the following in Word:

P. 41, 17C, lines 1-9 once
P. 41, 17D, lines 1-6 once
P. 42, 18B, lines 1-6 once (type the # with right shift + L2; type the & with left shift + R1)

If you complete this you may go to the following websites for practice (or any of the ones on the website resources page:

Fast Fingers
Type Racer - kind of get to compete against others online

Don't forget to review tonight for the vocab quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 21

Finish Logo Quiz; Vocab reminder

If you have not yet finished the Logo Quiz you will have the rest of class today to get that done.  Once you have completed the Quiz, please put it in the tray on my desk.

After completing the quiz you will be given another Logo handout to work on.  This combines the use of procedures and repeat commands - but with a twist!  All of the designs are dashed lines.  This is a good place to incorporate nested repeat statements...but you don't necessarily have to in order to complete each of the designs.

REMINDER!!! If it's your week to define vocab words you should have already completed this task!!  If you have not yet completed it come in during lunch recess or stay for a few minutes after school to get this done!  (8th hour - get busy!!)

There are several of you who still have not completed FA5 - the thank you letter to Dick's Sporting Goods.  If you have not handed this in, and you complete the Logo quiz, work to get this done first before you start on the Logo handout.

Tuesday, March 20

Logo quiz; spam video

We are going to start today with another video - this one on spam (no, not the somewhat edible food!).  After we finish watching the video we'll review for the Logo quiz, and then we'll take the rest of the time completing the quiz.

If you get done with the quiz early then you will have some additional Logo exercises that you can work on.

Monday, March 19

Vocab list 6, symbol keys, and more!

This week we are back to having another vocab quiz - this time over vocab list #6 (Internet #2).  Here are the leaders for this week:
  1. Mandie Clark
  2. Tyler Thompson
  1. Jacob Pauley
  2. Andrew Benhart
  3. Brandon Ramos
Here is a video that helps to explain what phishing is:

After watching the video, we need to start this week with learning the symbol keys on the keyboard.  Open Microsoft Word, and also open your book to page 40.  Type 17A lines 1-3 once to get warmed up.  SPEEDSKIN ON YOUR KEYBOARD!

After those 3 lines, on p. 40, 17B we'll learn the / (R4), $ (Right shift + L1), and ! (Right shift + L4).  Type each of the 9 lines once.

Next, on p. 41, 17C we'll learn the % (Right shift + L1), < (Left shift + L1), and > (Left shift + R4).  On 17C you need to type lines 1-7 once.

When you get these lines completed, you will want to open Logo.  Tomorrow you are going to be completing the final assignment in Logo; however, this will be for a grade.  This will incorporate everything that we have learned so far in Logo.  You should be able to complete the following tasks in Logo:

  • Write a set of instructions that draws a shape
  • Create a repeat statement from a set of instructions
  • Create a shape using a repeat statement
  • Use a procedure statement to create the instructions to draw a shape
Here are screenshots that you can use to practice with:

Thursday, March 15

Finish FA5; Cyberbullying surveys for females


You will have all hour to finish FA5.  Remember, this should be printed out and handed in before you leave today - it is due at the end of the hour.  Also, after printing make sure that you sign your name in blue or black ink.

After completing FA5, you may go to any of the practice websites on the blog (located here).


I have a short survey that I would like for you to fill out.  This is research that someone I know is completing for a graduate class that they are taking.  The entire process will be anonymous...I will not know who answered what question with what answer.  We will do this by you taking the sheet and filling out all the answers, and then when you are done you will just put the completed sheet in the folder on the cart.  Please be honest with your answers - thank you!!

Wednesday, March 14

Formatting Activity 5

Today we are going to get back to keying (it's been a long time!).  We are going to cover how to set up a letter style called modified block style.  What this means is that you have some of the information at different points within a letter.  As you should be able to see in the example for the formatting activity, the return address information, the beginning of each paragraph, and the complimentary closing section of the letter all start at the center point.

You will follow the instructions given in the formatting activity to write this thank you letter to Dick's Sporting Goods for some sporting good product you have bought recently (play along here...think of a product you could buy for your favorite'll need it for this assignment).

You will need to learn a few things before we start.  They include:

  • Return Address
  • Letter Address
  • Salutation
  • Complimentary close
  • Spell check
You will have the rest of today and all of tomorrow to get this completed - it will be due tomorrow by the end of the hour.  Your Speedskin will be on your keyboard!


Tuesday, March 13

Logo practice 4

Today you will work in class on finishing the Logo practice sheet #4 that you started yesterday.

Remember, you will need to write down 2 pieces of information:

  1. The procedure instructions to create the shape that repeats
  2. The repeat statement instructions, which includes the procedure within the repeat instructions, to draw the design
Here is an example of a design that includes 10 circles:

The basic shape here is a circle, so I first need to write the instructions to create a circle procedure.  Here are the procedure instructions to create a circle:

To circle
repeat 36 [fd 5 rt 10]

Once I have defined the circle procedure then I can write my repeat statement instructions to create the entire design.  Here is my repeat statement to create the design:

Repeat 10 [circle pu fd 10 pd]

If you were doing this design you would need to write both the circle procedure and the repeat instructions on your paper.

Monday, March 12

Finish Exercise 6 (Logo), start Practice 4

There are several reminders that I need to pass along:
  1. Any missing assignments must be turned in before you leave school today.  I have to have grades entered by 8 AM tomorrow morning.
  2. There is no vocab quiz this week; students don't have school on Friday so our next vocab list will not be until next week.  BUT... you can post your definitions to the Wiki, for those of you who are responsible for defining words for next week.
At the beginning of class you will be given several minutes to finish the Exercise 6 Logo worksheet - we will go over the answers in class.  

After discussing the answers to the Exercise 6 worksheet you will have another practice sheet to work on.  In this practice sheet you will need to accomplish 2 objectives in order to complete the worksheet.  
  1. You need to create a procedure that will help you create the design.
  2. Using the procedure that you create in step a, write the instructions to create the design.  You will want to use the procedure within a repeat statement in order to be most efficient.
We will go over an example on the board to get you started.

Friday, March 9

Journal; Logo procedures

To start with, please make sure that you hand in your crossword puzzle.  When you hand it in please make sure that you have your name on the top of the paper!

Next, I need you to submit your journal to me.  Here is the process you'll need to follow to do this:

  1. Open your blog and go to your journal page
  2. Copy your journal page URL (it should look like this - "")
  3. Open up Gmail and send me an email with a the above link to my school email address.  Remember, you need to have a subject line, and you should also include your name at the end of your email.

In Logo, procedures are "mini-programs" (my term, not something that Logo uses) that you can create by defining a set of instructions for Logo to follow.  These procedures need to be defined using a word that is NOT a command that Logo already "knows".  The advantage to creating and using procedures is that once you define (or create) the procedure all you need to do is "call" (this is programming speak which means that you want Logo to run the "mini-program") the procedure to make it run.

For example, I could create a procedure to draw a square (I would probably call it "Square"), and then every time within the Logo instructions I wanted to have Logo draw a square I would just simply need to type in 'Square'.  Once defined, the procedure is available to use again as long as you save your file that you are working on (the extension for Logo files is .lg).  If you are going to save please make sure to do so in your account.

At this point you should see how we are progressing through learning how to program.  We started with simple instructions (forward, back, right, left), and now have moved to creating a procedure that we can use over and over to accomplish a Logo "task".

Just as with the REPEAT command, there is a specific way that you have to tell Logo that you are creating a procedure.  First, you enter the word "to" and then label the procedure with a name; next you provide the instructions to create the procedure; and finally you enter the word "end" so that Logo knows you are done.  In Logo it would look like this:

? to square
>repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]

Once I have defined what I want a square to be, then all I need to do the next time I want Logo to draw a square is simply enter the word square.  Go ahead - try it!

Thursday, March 8

ISAT - over!

Today we will relax a little and have fun.  I've got some "Word-its" or "Wuzzles" (they've been called various things) that you can enjoy for today.

However, if you've got missing work  you should spend the time in class working on it to get it done and handed in to avoid a zero.  Check the board in the room to see if you are on the list!

Don't forget your Crossword Puzzle is due tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 7

Answers to Logo Practice Sheet 2

Today we will go over the answer to the Logo Practice Sheet 2 in class.

Tuesday, March 6

Logo Practice Sheet 2

Today we will finish working on Logo Practice Sheet 2.

One thing I want to mention about working with Logo - part of what you should be doing is learning to find solutions to problems.  Too many of you stop trying when the answer is not easily found.  This is a poor way to demonstrate the talents you have.  The nice thing about Logo is that you can draw up anything you want using Logo, and it isn't going to "hurt" anything if you are wrong.  If the instructions you create aren't correct, you just clear your screen and start over.

I want to see you work on finding a solution - for some of you finding solutions (at least in Logo) is very easy; for others finding the solution requires more concentration and more work.  Whichever "solution-finding" category you fall into doesn't make any difference - just make sure you are working to find a solution!

Remember, crossword puzzle 1-5 is due Friday!  You are welcome to turn that in anytime between now and the beginning of class on Friday.

Monday, March 5

ISAT week; Logo

With ISAT testing this week we will be limited with what we can accomplish because of the shortened hours.  That may end up being a good thing because we will not be completing as much this week as we normally would (however that doesn't mean we're going to spend the entire week playing games on the computer!).

Today we are going to work on finishing the Logo Practice 2 sheet.  Remember, the objective here is to write the Logo instructions to create the six designs on the handout, and you MUST include a repeat statement in your instructions.  Here are some helpful hints to complete this assignment:

  1. Label your starting point with a dot; this also is where your turtle should be when you are done
  2. Figure out what repeats in the design, and how many times it repeats
  3. Determine what the instructions are to draw just one of whatever repeats (once you figure this out the rest of the instructions, using the repeat, should be easy)
  4. Be willing to include PU, PD, and BK in your Logo instructions in order to draw the design
Today I will be handing you a crossword puzzle that will be due this Friday.  This is homework, but this should be an easy way for you to earn points this week.


Friday, March 2

Vocab Quiz; Reflection Week 8; Logo

We will take a few minutes at the beginning of class to review for the Vocab quiz (#5).  Then we will be taking it on Classmarker.  DO NOT GO TO CLASSMARKER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO!  

After completing the quiz, go to your blog and post your reflection for Week 8.  This week we learned the numbers on the keyboard, we learned the REPEAT statement in Logo, we watched a Netiquette video, and you should have learned something about the Internet with all of the terms that we had.  REMEMBER - you should be writing your thoughts about what we learned, not just writing that we learned this or that.

Here are the answers to yesterday's Exercise 3 in Logo:
  1. REPEAT 3 [FD 75 RT 90]
  2. REPEAT 2 [FD 75 RT 90 FD 75 LT 90]
  3. FD 50 REPEAT 2 [LT 60 BK 40] FD 50
  4. BK 70 REPEAT 4 [RT 20 FD 30]
  5. REPEAT 2 [FD 5 RT 5 BK 0 LT 5] LT 90
  6. RT 75 FD 10 REPEAT 4 [RT 60 FD 10]
  7. REPEAT 2 [FD 5 RT 90 FD 25 RT 90]
  8. REPEAT 4 [BK 6 LT 30] BK 6 LT 50
  9. RT 10 BK 25 REPEAT 4 [LT 5 BK 25] LT 45
  10. REPEAT 3 [LT 90 BK 10]
  11. REPEAT 3 [FD 10 LT 5 BK 5 RT 20]
  12. REPEAT 4 [RT 70 FD 10]
  13. LT 35 REPEAT 4 [LT 25 FD 10] RT 50
  14. REPEAT 4 [RT 50 FD 5]
  15. LT 10 REPEAT 3 [FD 90 RT 120] BK 50
  16. RT 10 REPEAT 4 [BK 30 LT 90] FD 20
  17. REPEAT 6 [RT 60 FD 5]
  18. RT 30 REPEAT 4 [RT 50 FD 15] LT 80
After checking these, there is a new Logo sheet to work on - PRACTICE 2.  There are 6 designs that you have to write the instructions for using Logo, and each one of the designs needs to be written using a REPEAT statement.  You will have time today in class, and you will have also have time Monday to work on this.

**There are new "Missing Assignments" sheets posted - please check to see if you have anything missing.  Next Friday is the last day of 3rd Quarter - you will want to have everything turned in by then; any missing assignment will turn into a 0 in the grade book if it not handed in.

Thursday, March 1

Logo repeat statements

So far in Logo we have learned how to move our turtle forward, back, and change directions by using the left or right commands.  In addition we have also learned the abbreviations for all four of these commands:  FD, BK, LT, RT.  We also have learned HOME, PU, PD, HT, and ST (see if you can remember what those mean!).

Today we are going to add another command to our arsenal of Logo commands, and it is the REPEAT command.  What this allows us to do in Logo is to use the same command over and over without having to type it over and over.  For example, if I wanted to move forward 200 turtle steps I could enter FD 200. But, using the REPEAT command I could enter REPEAT 2 [FD 100].  Another example:  say I wanted to turn right 90 degrees...using the REPEAT command I could enter REPEAT 3 [RT 30].  Both of these examples may seem a little unnecessary, but this should help you to understand how the REPEAT command works.  In the near future we will be creating much more intricate designs, which will require more difficult statements to write.  Because of that we'll be using the REPEAT command to help simplify writing these powerful statements - without a REPEAT command it would be much more difficult.

We'll start with Exercise 3 - in these problems you need to rewrite each series of statements using a REPEAT statement.  Then we'll move to writing statements using the REPEAT command to create a series of designs.