Wednesday, March 21

Finish Logo Quiz; Vocab reminder

If you have not yet finished the Logo Quiz you will have the rest of class today to get that done.  Once you have completed the Quiz, please put it in the tray on my desk.

After completing the quiz you will be given another Logo handout to work on.  This combines the use of procedures and repeat commands - but with a twist!  All of the designs are dashed lines.  This is a good place to incorporate nested repeat statements...but you don't necessarily have to in order to complete each of the designs.

REMINDER!!! If it's your week to define vocab words you should have already completed this task!!  If you have not yet completed it come in during lunch recess or stay for a few minutes after school to get this done!  (8th hour - get busy!!)

There are several of you who still have not completed FA5 - the thank you letter to Dick's Sporting Goods.  If you have not handed this in, and you complete the Logo quiz, work to get this done first before you start on the Logo handout.

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