Monday, March 26

Vocab list modification; new symbols; Alice

I am going to change this week's vocab list and quiz to better accommodate this last week before Spring Break.  With all of the activities, and with Friday's schedule being very limited in terms of class time, we are going to eliminate having a vocab quiz at the end of this week.  HOWEVER!!  if you are responsible for defining words this week that needs to be done before Friday.  I don't want people trying to do this over spring break.  I will give you several reminders this week, but anyone who does not have their vocab words defined by Friday will lose their points.  That means that the schedule online (on the vocab page on the blog) is wrong, and that we will have a vocab quiz the Friday when we return from Spring Break - even though that will only be a 4-day week.

You need to accomplish the following in Word today:

P. 42, 18A, lines 1-3 once
P. 42, 18B, lines 1-3 once (# = right shift + L2)
P. 42, 18B, lines 4-6 once (& = left shift + R1)

P. 43, 18D, lines 1-3 once (@ = right shift + L3)
P. 43, 18D, lines 4-5 once (  ( = left shift + R3)
P. 43, 18D, lines 6-7 once (  )= left shift + R4)

P. 44, 19C, lines 1-3 ( = = R4)
P. 44, 19D, lines 1-3 ( * = left shift + R2)

At this point we are done learning symbols!!  Yippee!!  However, we still have the keypad to learn, and we will do that this week and get it out of the way.

Next, you need to go to the following website and download a program called Alice.  This program teaches you how to program in a 3D programming environment.  Alice allows you to manipulate 3D objects by populating a virtual world and then creating a program to animate the objects (in computer terms it is called Object Oriented Programming - or OOP; basically it means that you are using visual objects to move around in a program, like you would do with most video games).  The website can be found by clicking here. 

Once on the website, you'll need to click on the download link, shown below:

This may take several minutes, so please be patient.  Once it is downloaded, double-click on it in the download window.  It should then automatically be posted on your desktop.  Once it shows up on your desktop open Finder (that's the blue, square smiley face) and click on the Alice 2.2 icon in the top left.  You then should see the following icon:

Click and drag this icon into your account on the server (this is the one that has the little house as an icon).  Once this is accomplished it should be saved in your account, and you can click on it in your account to open it.

If you get done with all of these lines of symbols, then open Alice and see if you can get one of the two following beginning tutorials accomplished (choose which one you want - either the Bunny or the Kangaroo):

Bunny tutorial - Alice

Kangaroo tutorial Alice

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