Tuesday, January 24

Wikispaces; Saving to the cloud; New keys

When using the Wikispaces website to post your definitions, there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind.  First, the format I want you to use should look like what follows:

VOCAB WORD:  The definition goes here (FirstnameLastI)

Changing the font color and style is ok, but please keep the font color at black.

Also, there may be a time when you and someone else are on the website making changes (or editing) at the same time.  That is a problem when it comes time to save what has been added.  If you save and then you notice that what you saved doesn't show up then you'll need to redo what you tried to post.

Today I'm going to show you how you can use Google to save all of your Usernames and Passwords to the various websites we have signed up for (believe it or not we still have at least 2 more websites that we need to register on).  Google has created a way for all of its users to save to the Internet - this is sometimes called "Saving to the cloud" or "Saving in the cloud".

As we've talked about, saving Usernames and Passwords on paper is not a good idea for obvious reasons.  Using Google is an option for you, but it is not something that you have to use.  Realize that you are still responsible for knowing all of your usernames and passwords to the various websites we use - I don't care how you remember you just need to find a way that works for you.  If this is something you like then you can obviously continue to use it.

When you go to Google and log in, you'll either find "Documents" across the top or you'll have to click on "More" to see the "Documents" option that you need for this (see picture below):

Then you need to decide on what kind of file you want to create - I would suggest either a document or spreadsheet - and then select your choice.  In the top left corner you'll see where it says "Untitled Document" - click on this and give your file a name.  Once you have done that you can start entering your information.  As soon as the information is typed in it will save.  To open your file(s) you'll need to come back to Google, click on Documents, and then all of the documents you have saved will be showing on the screen.  To open one, click on it.  

We're back to learning new keys!  Today we are going to add the N (R1) and the G (L1) to what we already know.  Speedskins will go back on the keyboard and we will be working on using correct technique as we key.  Tomorrow we will add a technique sheet (another grade) to the keying as we learn these new keys.

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