3rd hour Scribblar
4th hour Scribblar
6th hour Scribblar
7th hour Scribblar
8th hour Scribblar
Once we have completed this little exercise we are going to review the School District's Computer Lab Policy. This is an extremely important document that you have already agreed to (more than likely your parents agreed to it without your knowledge) - if you would not have agreed to it you would not have been given permission to log in to a computer here at school. The Computer Lab Policy governs your ability to access school computers and the Internet, and it also discusses the consequences of violating the policy. You can access the policy by clicking on this link: Computer Lab Policy
Once you get to the website scroll down to page 17 (Chapter 7: Internet, Technology, & Publications). We will take some time to go over part of this today, but we won't spend an entire hour either day covering it (we'll cover the rest of it tomorrow).
For the last part of today we will learn 2 new keys - today's keys will be the I and the R.
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