- There has been a change on the vocab list for this week. PROCESSOR has been eliminated and in it's place is CD-ROM DRIVE. If you were responsible for PROCESSOR please make sure that you change it.
- If you have not yet posted your definitions on wikispaces this should already be done. You need to get yours done immediately so that everyone else can use what you've written. Remember, this is a homework assignment - if you need to come in during lunch recess or after school for a few minutes that's fine.
- In order to publish your movie on Xtranormal, once you have finished making all changes to the movie click on "Publish". Once your movie has been published to the Xtranormal website, you should see a screen that looks similar to this:
In order for me to be able to watch your movie you'll need to copy the URL. Here is where the URL is located:
To copy this click your mouse in the area where the website is located, then hold down your Command key and click the A key (this will select the entire URL). Next, copy it (hold down the Command key and click the C key). Once you have copied it you can paste it into a new email message from your gmail account.
Send your email to: dpardoe@dist228.org. In your email put "Internet Safety Project" (without the quotes) in the subject line. Then make sure to include both of the partners' names at the bottom of the email.
- To embed this project on your blog, using the same picture as above, click on "Embed the Xtranormal player". You'll get a big window that pops up. At the top, select "640X360" for a size. Then, give it a title (if you haven't already) - a description is really not necessary, but you can include one (school appropriate!!) if you want. The most important part lays at the bottom of this window - where it says "Copy this code" you must select everything in the box, then copy it (command key/C).
- Now open your blog. In the top right corner of your blog click on "New Post". Give your new post a title, then you need to click on "HTML" in the top left hand corner (see below):
Next you'll paste what you copied from Xtranormal into the message box (command key/v). At this point what you have in your message box is exactly what was on Xtranormal, but once you click on "Compose" (the button to the left of the "HTML" button you just clicked on), you'll see your video in the message box. Now you can click on "Publish" and your movie is viral!! - Once you have completed embedding your movie on your blog you will be expected to open up Word and do the following:
- Turn to page 8 in the book - you need to type section 3E, all lines once.
- Once you finish with that turn to page 9 and you will be learning to key the left shift key and period.
- For the Left Shift Key, you will use your left little finger. But...you only use the shift keys to type capital letters with the opposite hand. So, the left shift key is used to type capital letters on the right side of the keyboard, like the J, K or N. The process works like this - reach and hold down the shift key with your little finger, type the key you are capitalizing with the right hand, then continue keying. There should not be any pausing after typing a capital letter.
- The period is on the right side of the keyboard, and you are going to use your right ring finger (or right 3rd finger). You should space twice after a period at the end of a sentence, space once after an abbreviation, and don't space after a period within an abbreviation (for example, there is no space after the first period in "J.D. Drew").
- Type all lines on p. 9, Section 4B, lines 1-6 twice.
- Type all lines on p. 9, Section 4C, lines 1-10 once.
- If you get done with the above you can choose any of the pages that we have already worked on for practice.
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