I'll give you a few minutes to review for the vocab quiz, and then we will take the quiz in class over Internet #3.
After the quiz, go back to yesterday's blog post and read the instructions for FA6. FA6 is due today at the end of the hour! While working on this assignment you should have your speedskin on your keyboard! Also, this assignment needs to be printed out and handed in, so make sure that your filename and path is in the right-hand side of the header (this is in the directions).
After completing FA6 you need to create a new post on your blog. As you did last week, you need to explain in your post what you have learned from this week. What successes did you have in Computer Applications? What failures? What did you learn? What questions did you have that were not answered in class? Include anything else you feel is important about what happened in class this week. This is called a reflective post, and we will be utilizing this in class regularly throughout the rest of the semester. It is a great way for you to reflect on and synthesize (that means bring together, or remember) what we have learned in class over the last week.
Once you complete your blog post, publish it, then send me an email with a link to your blog so I can read what you have written. If you are unable to get this done in class today this should be completed at home over the weekend. Several of you forgot to do this last week - make sure that you get this done.
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