Wednesday, November 16

Continue in Alice; Keypad work

For today, there are several things you need to accomplish. They are as follows:
  1. You need to type the keypad handout that I have left with substitute first. You will be learning 3 new keys today, and you need to type the handout just like we typed the other handout on Monday (Drill #1 in Column A, Drill #2 in Column B, and so on).
  2. Complete the Alice tutorial that we have been walking through in class the last 2 days. You will do the rest of this on your own. In order to do that you will need to go to this website. Once there you will want to scroll down to slide #52, open up the spaceworld file that we have been using the last 2 days, and complete the work. Make sure to save often, and save at the end of the hour.
    1. If you are on the list this week for vocab words this needs to get done today! Make sure that you are getting your words defined and posted to the wikispaces page!
    2. Despite the fact that I have not said anything in class, I have posted the last 2 days on the blog a discussion requirement for you in Edmodo. This needs to get done by Friday (midnight)! The discussion prompt is as follows:
    3. What does FREEDOM mean to you? In what way do you thank a veteran to let them know that you appreciate their willingness to make the supreme sacrifice for you? If you don't do anything, explain why.
    4. The video below is for you to watch concerning one of the vocab words for this week.  Hopefully it will help you with understanding a little more of what cache is.  The narrator gets a little off-track, but does explain what cache means.

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