Monday, March 11

Vocab week #6; learning symbols; timed writing practice

This week we have vocab quiz #6 to post on the wiki pages.  If you are responsible you need to get your vocab words posted to the wiki pages by tomorrow night.

We also will begin learning the symbols on the keyboard.  We will not learn them all, but many are important for one reason or another and we need to be able to key these.  We will start today with the diagonal or forward slash (R4), the dollar sign (right shift + L1), and the exclamation point (right shift + L4).

When we get done learning these new symbols we will be splitting up to accomplish different tasks based on what you got done last week.  If you did not get your Internet Safety movie embedded on your blog you will need to get this done immediately.   The instructions for embedding your movie from Xtranormal are on Friday's blogpost.

If you got your Internet Safety movie embedded on your blog you need to do the following:

  1. You need to send me an email with a link to your blog. Make sure you copy the URL of your blog and paste it in the message box as part of your email.  
  2. When you send your email please put the name of your partner in the email so I know who you were working with for the project.
  3. You should still be using correct email procedures - if not you will lose points on your project.
Once you get done with the above I want you to go to the following website and practice your timed writings.  These are the speed tests that we have previously talked about in class - this is good practice and is helpful in getting you to increase the speed with which you type.  Here is the website:

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