Monday, March 4

Vocab week #5; Create a blog

This is week #5 for the vocab lists - the list for this week is all about the Internet.  We will check to see whose week it is to post definitions.  Remember...definitions should be posted by Tuesday!  I've been fielding a lot of questions regarding getting a zero for wikispaces assignment.  If you don't post a definition for your vocab words that you are responsible for, then I have to, and I can't give you credit for work you haven't done.  Also, if you do not post your definitions there is no possibility to post them late - you will either receive 5 points for posting the definitions or 0 if you do not post them.

Today we are going to begin creating your blog.  We will need to go to Blogger's website -  This is going to allow you to be creative to a certain degree, but we will also have some assignments that will be required to be posted to your blog.  Since we are doing this at school you will have a few rules you will have to follow:

  1. Your blog will need to be school appropriate at all times
  2. There will be no games on your blog
  3. You will open your blog (or be on your blog) ONLY when you are told to.  You will not be on your blog changing designs or posting information (or for any other reason) without permission.
Also, we are going to institute a new Citizenship grade.  I am going to give each of you points, and every time you do something that you should not be doing you are going to lose some of your Citizenship points.  For example, if you are in Google Chat you would lose Citizenship points because you should NEVER! be in Google Chat during class.  If you are searching in Google when we are typing out of the book, you would lose Citizenship points.  Being a good citizen means doing things right even when no one is looking - for example, you don't walk out of Wal-Mart with a candy bar that you didn't pay for just because the person at the cash register can't see you take the candy bar.  

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