Vocabulary definitions should now be posted on the Wikispaces page! There will be a vocab quiz this Friday over vocab list #5 (Internet #1).
These people are leaders for next week's vocabulary list and should have already contacted their group members to give them their vocabulary words (if you have not done this yet, you need to get it done ASAP!):
3rd: JacobR
4th: MeghanW
6th: JarronN
7th: HeathH
8th: AbbyVNEW KEYS:
Open Word and turn to page 30 in your book. Start by typing lines 1-6 at the top of page 30 - 13C. Once we get done warming up we will learn 3 new numbers today - the 9 (R3), the 4 (L1), and the 0 (R4).
Logo is a computer programming language created at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and is designed to give individuals an introduction into computer programming. What you are going to learn with Logo is how a computer programmer thinks abstractly and sequentially in order to get their program to run correctly. We will NOT be creating a program as you know it (however, we will be using Logo to create what I call "mini-programs" that will challenge you to understand the nature of what a computer programmer goes through in designing software).
On your computer, go to your Finder menu, click Applications, and find the program called "UCBLogo" - open it. You will see a black screen appear on your monitor.
You can use these 4 primitives to move Logo (your turtle, but it actually looks like a triangle on your screen) by typing in FORWARD or BACK followed by a number that you want your turtle to move. Actually, you can give Logo multiple commands. RIGHT and LEFT tell Logo to turn; when you follow these commands with a number, the number you type in tells Logo what degrees to turn. For example, if I type in "RIGHT 75" (don't use quotes!) Logo will turn 75 degrees to the right. Get it??!! Alright, now it's your turn. See if you can create a square!
In addition to those 4 primitives that help to move your turtle, here are several others that will be useful to you while using Logo:
After creating a design in Logo, you'll probably want to get rid of it on your screen so that you can move on and do what's next. That's what the CLEARSCREEN command does - it clears the screen. Typing in HOME moves your turtle back to the starting point and points it "up" on the screen. HIDETURTLE - should be self explanatory, as should SHOWTURTLE. The PENUP command allows you to move Logo on your screen without drawing any lines. PENDOWN is used after you have used the PENUP command (PENDOWN is actually how Logo starts when you open the program). You may want to try these commands to see how they work.
After creating a square, see if you can create other shapes - triangles, rectangles, circles, hexagon etc.
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