When I grade your Formatting activities that you email to me (like FA1, for example), I will send you an email to let you know what you have done wrong and what your score is. If you do not receive an email you either did not turn in the assignment (check Skyward or the Missing Assignment wall in the room), or you did everything correct and I entered the maximum score in Skyward.
Flash drives - we need to name your flash drive. This should be done so that if it gets "lost" we can tell whose flash drive it is. Additionally, when you enter the filename and path (which you will be doing on all assignments) it will enter the name of your flash drive, and if it is labeled with your name it will be easy for me to tell whose paper it is that I am grading.
Along those same lines, the reason we use filename and path is so that I know you are handing in your own work. Stamping your document with the filename and path tells me that this is coming from your flash drive (or your account on the server). Additionally, it allows you to have your name printed on your document without you having to write it, or without you having to take up space or change the formatting of the document when you hand it in.
At this point we need to register on a new website called Edmodo. Edmodo is a secure social networking site, and we will use it to learn how to properly use a discussion board. Despite the fact that this is very similar to a social networking site, it is for educational purposes, and we will use it for that reason. The only people who will be able to access the discussion board will be the people in your class. We have already learned about Internet Safety and what not to do on a social network, so those rules will apply here.
Any time we have an assignment in Edmodo, you will have 2 responsibilities - 1) enter an original response to the writing prompt and post it for everyone to see (after creating your response, choose your class in the box next to "Send"; and 2) respond thoughtfully to at least 2 of your classmates. Thoughtfully means that you should make a conversation out of the discussion - find a way to get them to respond to your response. An easy way to do this is to ask them a question, although that may not be the only way to accomplish this part.
Your Edmodo assignments will always be worth 10 points - 5 points will be for entering your original response to the writing prompt, and the other 5 points will be for thoughtfully responding to at least 2 of your classmates. Your Edmodo assignments are generally to be finished outside of class; however there are times when you will be given permission by me to complete your Edmodo assignment in class. If you are not given permission in class then you are not to be chatting/discussing/working in Edmodo.
Today we are going to practice in Edmodo. Your job is to post an original response to the question, and then reply to 2 different classmates' posts. Also, if there is anyone who asks you a question you should respond to their question (it is considered rude to not answer a question - just as if you were talking face-to-face). Keep the discussion "on-topic" and educational.
The following websites will help you create an avatar that you can upload to your profile. These are just for fun and are not required.
Planet Creation
Build Your Wild Self
After you create an avatar at the website you will need to save a screenshot of your avatar to your flash drive, then you will need to upload the avatar to Edmodo. On the "How To" page of the class blog there are instructions for creating a screenshot, and then a video that shows you how to upload an image to a website (like Edmodo). In Edmodo you are going to want to go to "Account" in the top right hand corner of your webpage, then select "Settings" - here you will be able to upload your screenshot image.
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