You will have several minutes at the beginning of class to review for the vocab quiz, then we will be heading to Classmarker to take the quiz. You are not allowed to be on Classmarker until I give you permission, and when you take the quiz your vocab list on Wikispaces is not allowed to be open on your computer.
After the quiz is completed, if you still have not finished FA2 you will have as much time as you need to complete it. It is due today, so you need to make sure that you finish before you leave.
You also must post your reflection for this week - make sure that you label it as Week 5, and it should be entered on your Journal page. As you think about this week's activities you may want to go back through the blog posts to jog your memory about what we have done.
If you get done with both of these, then you can create an avatar. This is not a required assignment, so this is something you can do for fun. After you get it created you may want to upload it to Edmodo (we haven't used Edmodo yet, but will start next week). Here are two websites that you can use to create an avatar:
Build Your Wild Self
Planet Creation
There are instructions in a video on the How To page that will help you to upload your avatar from these websites. For the Planet Creation website you'll have to create a screenshot and then upload your screenshot to Edmodo - the process is a little easier from this website than it is from the Build Your Wild Self website.
Great Post!
ReplyDeleteKeep it up this type posts.
Create quiz