Today you are going to be taking your first vocab quiz. You will get a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review - use them wisely. You may use your class' wikispaces page to review, but you may NOT! use anything while you are taking the quiz.
As I mentioned yesterday, make sure that you answer all the questions and that you submit the quiz when you are done. Failure to do this may mean that you will have to come in on your own time and retake the quiz - which I'm sure you'd rather not have to do.
After the quiz, you need to open your Google account and create a new Google Doc - we went over how to do this on Wednesday so you should understand how to do this. If you do not remember, click here and you will find directions on how to open a Google Doc. Once you have your Google Doc opened rename it "August 30".
After renaming your Google Doc go to page 9 in the book and type drill 4C all lines once. Your speed skin should be on your keyboard at all times while doing this!
Once you have completed drill 4C you may choose to type any lines from any page that we have already worked on. In other words, you can choose to type from pages 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Before you begin typing on any page please label what you are typing. For example, yours might look like this (without the font color and italics):
3F, page 8
he has nine;
she got the jars;
he likes the old song;
he goes to the lake at one;
she has to go get the eight dogs;
he is a hand on the rig in the north;
You will continue keying drills that you choose until the end of the hour.
At the end of the day make sure that you are logged out of your Classmarker and your Google accounts.
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