Wednesday, May 15

Finish your work

You need to finish any work that is missing and get it submitted to me as soon as possible.

If you are done with everything you have a free day.

Tuesday, May 14

FA10; make up work

You need to finish FA10 today in class.  Once you have completed the last formatting activity, see if you have any missing work.  If so, please complete it and get it turned in.

If you are done with everything you have your choice of what you want to do.  You can work in Alice,  you can play the keyboarding games from the websites we have used in class, or you can complete homework for another class.

Monday, May 13

FA10; missing assignments; Quiz treat winners....

Today you will be working on Formatting Activity 10, which will introduce you to inserting ClipArt images into your Word document.

I also want to remind you that you need to have any missing assignments to me by next Monday, May 20th.  Any assignment submitted after that date will not get graded.  Even if your assignment is late you will want to get it turned in so you can get some credit (some credit is better than no credit!).

And, the class winner of last week's "Quiz-off", who earns a candy treat sometime this week for the entire class, was Hour............

FA10 -

Friday, May 10

Vocab Quiz; makeup work

Before you take today's vocab quiz, you'll get a few minutes to review.  DO NOT GO TO CLASSMARKER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO!!

Once you get to Classmarker Quiz #10 is located below Quiz #1 - it will not be at the bottom of the list.  Here is what you will see:

Once you complete the quiz, you should try to complete any missing work that you have.  We also will be watching a video on Video Games - it comes from Youtube.


Thursday, May 9

Java; Finish FA9; Mother's Day card; Podcast

Again, you have one day left to submit your podcast.  Make sure that you embed the podcast on your blog and then you send me a link to your blog.

This next video we will watch today explains what Java is (Java is on the vocab list for this week).

After watching the video you will have time to finish FA9 if you did not get it done yesterday.  If you are done you need to complete any missing work.  If you have no missing assignments you could work on creating a Mother's Day card for your mom and/or grandma (although you won't be able to print it out here unless you want to print it in black and white).  You could insert shapes, text box(es), and Word Art to make it creatively beautiful!

Don't forget that you have a vocab quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 8

Podcast due Friday! Complete FA9

Another reminder that you need to get your podcast done ASAP - it is due Friday!

Today you will complete FA9 and email it to me.  Make sure that you follow all of the instructions for each of the various shapes, arrows, and Word Art.  Following all of the instructions are incredibly important with this formatting activity because there are so many things you need to do.

When you get done with the formatting activity you need to go to one of the practice websites that are listed on the Website Resources pages and practice - KEEP YOUR SPEED SKIN ON YOUR KEYBOARD!

Tuesday, May 7

Formatting Activity 9

Before we get started on Formatting Activity 9, please remember that your Podcast is due Friday!  You only have 3 days left to get it read, saved to your blog, and then your blog URL sent to me through your Gmail.

If you have vocab words you need to get defined, those need to be on the wiki page by tonight.

Here is the video on flash animation I discussed yesterday:

Formatting Activity 9:

This formatting activity has you using the draw tools to modify a Word document.  This would be something you might find yourself doing if you were creating a letterhead, flyer, or newsletter in Word. I will show you how to use the draw tools first and then you will be given whatever time remains to begin working on FA9.  We will use tomorrow's class to complete this assignment.


Monday, May 6

Reminders; Flash animation video; keying practice

To start with, I need to remind you of a couple of things.  First, your podcast is due this Friday!!!  I currently have 13 podcasts (total) from the 5 different classes - that means there are about 110 of you that haven't done your podcast yet.  If you are one of those that hasn't completed their podcast you really need to get it done very quickly!

Next, if you have vocab definitions for this week's vocab list those need to be entered on the wiki page by tomorrow night.  Also, since this is the last week of vocab quizzes we are going to have a little competition.  The class that has the highest average on this week's vocab quiz will earn a treat next week!

Missing assignments - all assignments will need to be turned in by Monday, May 20th.  That is 2 weeks from today.  I will not accept any assignments after that date.

Flash Animation:

After watching this video we are going to have a little fun practicing our keying.  Everyone needs to go to the following website...and then we can begin!

Keying practice

Friday, May 3

Crossword puzzle due! "The Internet - Behind the Web" video

You need to hand in your crossword puzzle today - please make sure to put your name at the top!

Today we will be watching a video - "The Internet - Behind the Web"

Thursday, May 2

Crossword Puzzle due tomorrow; Podcast due soon!; complete FA8

Don't forget that your crossword puzzle is due tomorrow.  You may hand it in anytime between now and then...just don't forget to complete it!

Also, you are down to almost one week left before the podcast is due.  If you need to print out a speech you may do so.  Remember to embed your podcast on your blog and then send me an email with a link to your podcast (and, enter something in the subject line of the email that would let me know that you are sending me an email for the podcast).

After the video you will have the rest of the time to complete FA8.  Your speed skin will be on your keyboard as you are keying.

Once you get done with the video you can post definitions on Wiki, complete the crossword puzzle, finish a missing assignment, work in Alice, or practice your timed writings at Free Typing Games .  When working on the timed writings you need to complete a 3-minute timing.

Wednesday, May 1

Reminders; Formatting Activity 8


  • The crossword puzzle you received from me yesterday is due Friday.  This is homework.  You may turn it in at any point between now and Friday.
  • Vocabulary words have been posted on the Wiki page for you to define.  While definitions are not due until next Tuesday for next week's (last) vocabulary quiz, you may want to go to the Wiki page this week to get your definition(s) posted so you can get that done and out of the way.
  • Your podcast is due a week from this Friday.  A large majority of you have not yet completed the podcast and will need to plan when you are going to get it done.  I would recommend that you print out what you are going to read for your speech - I think it will make the process of completing the podcast easier (although you certainly don't have to...just my opinion).
Today we are going to start on FA8.  Before you actually start we are going to cover a couple of formatting items that you need to know how to do.  First, I'll show you how to use the word count feature in Word.  This is easy to do, and will prove useful later - I can't tell you how many times I was told to write a paper that contained a certain number of words ("Your paper must be at least 500 words long", for example).  If you don't use the Word count feature you'll be counting the words manually - a real pain in the neck!

Additionally we are going to learn how to insert an image onto your blog.  This process takes several steps, but once you learn it I think you'll find that it is relatively easy to do.  Being able to insert images is an important part of being a good blogger.

First, you want to go to Google Images to find an image that are going to include on your blog post.  Because you are doing a search, make sure to type in school appropriate search terms.  Once you have found the image you need, hold down the control key and click on the image - once you do that you will see a drop-down menu like the one shown here:

Click on "Save Image As...", then save your image into your Computer Applications folder.  Once you have saved the image into your folder you are now ready to embed your image on your blog.  To do that, open your blog and start a new blog post.  Click on the "Insert Image" icon (shown below) and then navigate to the folder on your computer where you saved your image.  Once you find your image open it, and then your image can be used on your blog.

FA 8