Today's formatting activity has you learning how to insert symbols into your document. Symbols can be used for a variety of reasons - to represent currencies, arrows, greek letters of the alphabet, and other symbols such as a trademark.
Also, this is the only formatting activity that doesn't get embedded on the blog. You will have a handout that you are given and will need to type the handout in order to complete the formatting activity.
There are a couple of reminders for today...they are as follows:
- Vocab definitions need to be posted to the wiki page by tonight.
- You still have your podcast that needs to be completed. You have plenty of time to get this done (it is due Friday May 10th - almost 3 weeks from now). However, remember that you are not able to use class time to complete this project so plan accordingly. I already have had a couple of people submit their podcast (super job to those who completed theirs already!). Below is the podcast rubric (it is worth 10 points).
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