Friday, October 31

Happy Halloween! Crossword puzzle due

The crossword puzzle 1-6 is due today at the beginning of the hour.  If you have handed in the crossword puzzle you need to complete any missing work and get it handed in.

If you have everything done you can go to the following website where there are Halloween games to play.  The rule for today is that you can go to this website, but you are not allowed to click on any other link once you get to the game you are trying to play.

If you decide to go trick-or-treating tonight, stay warm, and have fun!!

Thursday, October 30

Finish FA7; tie up loose ends

You will have the hour to complete FA7.  When it is done you are to email it to me - it has been a while since you emailed an assignment to me so make sure that you include the 5 parts to an email when you send me your assignment.

Once you get FA7 done you have several options:

  • any missing assignment from class (new missing assignment sheets are posted on the west wall)
  • post definitions on the wikispaces page 
  • work on and complete the crossword
If you have all of these done you can go to the practice websites.

Wednesday, October 29


**REMINDER** Crossword puzzle is due Friday - make sure you are working on it outside of class so that you can hand it in on Friday.

Today we will be working on FA7.  In this formatting activity you will be creating two lists of information.  When using Word there are two ways you can format lists - either as a bulleted list (using bullets) or as a numbered list (using numbers).

Each type of list has its own characteristics and reasons for being used.  Normally a numbered list is used when you want to write a list of items in rank order.  In other words, the item listed next to #1 is the most important or number 1 ranked item, the item listed next to #2 is the second ranked item, and so on.

With a bulleted list you are listing items that do not need to be ranked.  For example, you might create a grocery list, and the items you put on the list would only need to be listed - it wouldn't really matter in which order they are listed.

Activity 7.pdf

Tuesday, October 28

Modifying your blog

Today I am going to show you how you can modify your blog.  There are a variety of ways that you can change your blog to personalize it - you shouldn't have any problem, after today, creating a blog that you feel is representative of what you like or representative of what your theme would be if this were something we were doing for a permanent situation.

As a reminder remember that the crossword puzzle is due Friday - if you are done you can hand it in early.

Monday, October 27

Crossword puzzle 1-6; Create a blog

I will be handing out crossword puzzle 1-6 - it is a review of all words on lists 1 through 6 and is due Friday.  As usual, if you get it done before Friday you are welcome to turn it in early.

Today we are going to begin creating your blog.  We will need to go to Blogger's website -  This is going to allow you to be creative to a certain degree, and we will also have some assignments that will be required to be posted to your blog.  Since we are doing this at school you will have a few rules you will have to follow:
  • Your blog will need to be school appropriate at all times
  • There will be no games on your blog
  • You will open your blog (or be on your blog) ONLY when you are told to.  You will not be on your blog during class changing designs or posting information (or for any other reason) without permission
  • You are responsible for EVERYTHING that is on your blog, so be careful with what you do
  • Once the semester is over you can do with your blog what you want.  You are the owner/creator, so you have full power to use it as you wish (continue to use it for whatever purpose or completely delete the blog)

Friday, October 24

Vocab quiz #6; finish FA6; bracket competition?

You will have a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review; I'll let you know when it's time to go to Classmarker to take the quiz.

When you get done with the quiz you need to finish FA6 and hand it in.

If you are done with FA6 and the person you are to compete against is done with FA6 you will have a race on the Typeracer website.  It is not a guarantee that all people will be competing in Typeracer today.

If you have completed everything you can bring something to work on from another class, read, or play on the practice websites.

Thursday, October 23

Spam video; finish FA6

We will begin today with watching a video on what Spam is, then also going over a couple of the other vocab words (HTTP, phishing, and emoticon).  Here is the spam video:

After the video and our short discussion on the other vocab words you'll have the rest of the hour to complete FA6.  Make sure to follow all of the instructions.

Once you complete FA6 you'll need to go to the practice websites.  If we are able we will continue our bracket competition - this will obviously be dependent upon both opponents having completed FA6.

Wednesday, October 22

RSS video; FA6

Today we will start by watching the following video on what RSS is.  After completing that video we will begin learning about inserting symbols into a document, and then complete FA6.

Activity 6.pdf

Sunday, October 19

FA5 completion

This is a vocab week, so if you have definitions to post on the Wiki spaces page you will need to get that done by tomorrow night.  Remember that tomorrow is a half day of school, so getting that done tonight may be to your advantage.

Some people were unable to complete FA5 on Friday, so if you are one of those people you will have time today in class to get that done.  As a reminder make sure that you have your speed skin on your keyboard while you are working.  This formatting activity should be printed and signed before you hand it in.

Once you have completed FA5 you need to complete the green handout that has the drills we type in Excel.  You need to complete all 6 drills in Excel just as we have done in the past.  Once you have completed all of the drills then you can go to the Free Typing Games website and complete at least 3 of the speed tests - today you should use the #26 or #27 classic tales as your speed test.  When you complete the speed test write your score on the poster sheet on the wall next to your name (Sharpies are on my desk).

When you get done with the speed tests there is a handout on my desk that you need to type in Microsoft Word.  This is for practice but you should try to get as much done as you can.

Thursday, October 16


Today we are going to start working on FA5, which is technically called a letter in modified block format.  I am going to explain the finer details of the letter in class first, then you'll be on your own to complete the letter.  This will be due at the end of class on Friday.

A couple of reminders...the crossword puzzle is due tomorrow.  If you are done now you can hand it in today, but it must be handed in no later than tomorrow to earn full credit.  Also, as you know we don't have a vocab quiz this week, but if you have vocab definitions for Week 6 you only have until next Tuesday to get those posted on the Wiki page.

Activity 5.doc

Wednesday, October 15

Keypad numbers

We will start today with a review of the numbers that we learned yesterday.  After reviewing we will add in the other numbers of the keypad by using two additional handouts.

If there is time we will continue with the speed tournament.  Some people have already been eliminated, and other people are at a point where they have to wait for someone else to get done before they can compete.  Therefore, just like last time not everyone will be competing today.

Tuesday, October 14

Crossword Puzzle 1-5; Keypad

There is no vocab list for this week.  However, next week will be vocab list #6, and if you still have not yet posted definitions on the Wiki spaces page then you have plenty of time to get that completed.  When you post your definitions, you MUST make sure you put your name in parentheses, and you also must make sure that you save once you get done.  After saving check to see if your definitions are on the website - if not, then it is likely someone else is on the website and you'll have to enter them again.  Keep trying until they are on the page after you've saved.

One note as we continue with our formatting activities for this week...many of you are not including a greeting (it can be as simple as "Mr. Pardoe", but it MUST include the name of the person you are sending the email to) and/or a body (it can be as easy as "Here is my FA4") when you are sending emails.  This causes you to lose a point every time you do not include it in your email - and these are easy points to get.  Make a note to yourself to remember to include this when you are sending me assignments through your email.

I will be handing out Crossword Puzzle 1-5; this will cover vocab words from lists 1-5 and will be due Friday.  As always, if you get it done early and want to hand it in before Friday that is perfectly ok.  This is homework - we will not be working on this in class.

We will start today with learning the keypad.  When we practice with the keypad we are going to use Microsoft Excel, so before we start learning the keypad I want to introduce you to Excel.  With the keypad, there is a homerow just as there is with the alphanumeric part of the keyboard, so we'll cover that first.  After that we will begin learning the keypad.

Friday, October 10

End of 1st Quarter

As we have talked about all week, today is the last day of the Quarter.  Make it a good one!!

We will review for the quiz at the beginning of class, and then when I let you know you can go to Classmarker and take the quiz.

Once you have completed the quiz, if you have any missing assignments you are to work on whatever is missing.  If you do not have any missing assignments and you are "behind" with the speed test tournament, then I'm going to have you compete today to try and catch up so that we have everyone in the same spot.  This means many of you will not be competing in the tournament today - I just want to get everyone in the same place since we had several people last week that were absent when we did this.

If you have everything done then you are welcome to go to the practice websites after the vocab quiz.

Thursday, October 9

Internet video

Today we are going to watch a video on the History of the Internet.  Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day of the quarter...if you have any missing assignments you need to get them turned in no later than tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7


Just another reminder that vocab definitions are due on the Wikispaces page tonight.  If you don't do these you will be losing 10 points, and it will be a permanent loss of 10 points (in other words you can't turn it in late - you either do it or you don't, and you either get points or you don't).

We will start working on FA4 today after I explain to you how to set tabs - it is embedded below.

Activity 4.pdf

Monday, October 6

Last symbols today!


*Learn new keys:  symbols (last ones today!!)
*Formatting Activity  4
*Speed Test*Vocab quiz #5 (Vocab definitions on the wiki by Tuesday night)

This will be an important week for several reasons, but mostly because we aren't just going to sit here and wait until the end of the quarter arrives.  In other words we are still going to have assignments that we will be completing this week - if you don't get this week's assignments done they will end up being permanent zeroes in the grade book (since this is the last week). a little extra hard this week to make sure you get everything done - not just in this class but in all of your classes!

P. 43, 19A lines 1-3 once

P. 44, 19C lines 1-3 twice (= is R4)
P. 44, 19C lines 4-6 twice (_ is left shift key + R4)
P. 44 19D lines 1-3 twice (* is left shift key + R2)

Friday, October 3

Crossword puzzle due; speed test tournament beginning!

Please make sure to hand in your crossword puzzle with your name on it.

We are going to begin the speed test tournament.  When we do this we are going to use the Typeracer website.  Here are the steps to follow:

  1. On the half sheet of blue paper write both competitors names 
  2. The competitor listed as Player #1 needs to go to the Typeracer website, click on the "Race your friends" link, then write down the entire URL - that means you also need to include the "http://" part of the URL.  Hand the blue sheet to Player #2.
  3. Player #2 will enter the URL in the address bar of their browser.
  4. When both players are ready, TYPE!!
  5. When you are done, circle the winner and then give the blue sheet to Mr. Pardoe.
  6. Names will be written in appropriate spots on the bracket, and then when the next round is ready you'll complete these steps again with your next opponent.
This is meant to be an exercise in which you are keying, but ultimately this should be fun!  There is nothing wrong with being a competitor, but I do not allow putdowns in the room.  This should be a welcome diversion from the monotony of keying out of the book, not a way for you to make fun of someone else.

We will go through 2 rounds today - everyone will compete twice.  Once we get done we will review the keys we learned yesterday, and then if we get done with that you'll have time at the end of the hour to play the keying games.

Thursday, October 2

Finish FA3; new symbols

Crossword puzzle 1-4 is due tomorrow
Vocab definitions for week 5 vocab list are due next Tuesday

Finish FA3 - it should be emailed (make sure to complete your email correctly)

Once you are done with FA3 you need to open your book to page 43 and type lines 1-9 twice on 18D.  @ = right shift key + L3
( = left shift key + R3
) = left shift key + R4

When you get done with these raise your hand so I can see that you are done, and then you can go to the practice websites.  Tomorrow we are going to begin a speed test tournament (we won't get it all done in one day), and you should see the brackets posted on the walls.  This is simply for fun!!  I will explain that in greater detail tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 1

Crossword puzzle 1-4; FA3

I will be handing out a crossword puzzle today that will be a review of vocab lists 1-4 - this will be due on Friday.

Today we are going to work on FA3.  I have a few things to go over first before you will be able to start on FA3 - do not start working on this while I am explaining what you need to do.

  Activity 3.pdf