Monday, March 31

A history of the Internet

This is a vocabulary week - please make sure to get your vocab definitions completed by tomorrow night for Week 7!

Today we are going to watch the video below on the history of the Internet.

Friday, March 28

Friday finally! Crossword puzzle due

Please hand in your crossword puzzle - when you do make sure your name is at the top of the paper.

Today we are going to do a little competition, and instead of trying to describe it here I will explain what we are doing in class so you have a better idea of what you need to do.

Thursday, March 27


Today you will complete FA3 (instructions are embedded below) during class - it is due by the end of the hour. Make sure that you complete all of the steps in order. If it would help you, print out the instructions and then as you complete each instruction check off the number next to the instruction so you know you are done. On the last page of the instructions is the rubric - you may want to take a look at this so you know what it is that I am looking for when it comes time to grade your paper.

If you get done with FA3 before the end of the class, do you have any missing assignments?  If so, get those completed and handed in.  Otherwise, choose one of the keypad practice sheets (gold, blue, or green), open Excel, and complete the sheet using the keypad. When you get done doing this raise your hand so I can see that you have finished.

If there is still time you need to go to the practice websites, but you must have your speed skin on your keyboard while you are playing the practice games.

Lastly, if you are done with your crossword you can hand it in now (please make sure your name is on it); if you are not done you only have until tomorrow to complete it and hand it in.

  Activity 3

Wednesday, March 26

Keypad review; FA3

As a reminder, your crossword is due by Friday - if you have yours done you can hand it in now.  Also, for those of you who have vocab definitions for next week please make sure to visit the Wiki spaces page outside of class and get your definitions entered.

Today we will review all of the keys on the keypad to start the day.

Once we get done with our review, we will be learning how to add Headers and Footers into a Microsoft Word document.  Generally the Header and Footer area is reserved for such things as page numbers, an author's name, or possibly the Section or Chapter that a page is in (or other possible reasons).  You will be entering information into the header and footer sections of a document and formatting what you enter.

Tuesday, March 25

Keypad practice and new keys

We will review the keys that we learned yesterday on the key pad.  Once we are done with the review we will learn the other numbers on the keypad.

And then...we will be completely done with learning keys on the keyboard!

Monday, March 24

Learning the keypad

As a reminder there is no vocab quiz this week.  However, this is a great time for those of you who still have vocab definitions to post to get those completed.  There are 4 vocab weeks left, so that means that most of you (if not all of you) will still be responsible for defining words on at least one occasion.  Please use this time (meaning this week when you don't have a vocab quiz) to get these definitions posted so it isn't hanging over your head and you don't have to scramble on the last day possible to get your definitions posted.  Trust'll feel much better knowing that you've got it done and out of the way!

For today we are going to start with learning the keypad numbers.  This is the completely separate set of number keys out to the right of the alphanumeric keyboard.

The crossword puzzle that you are getting in class today will be due Friday.  It covers lists 1-6.

Friday, March 21

Vocab quiz #6; finish FA2

We will take a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review, using our class wikispaces page, for Vocab Quiz 6.  Do not go to Classmarker until I tell you to.

Once you have completed the Quiz you can complete FA2.

If you are done with FA2 you can go to any of the practice websites on the blog - make sure your Speedskin is on your keyboard.

Thursday, March 20

Google Drive folder; FA2

To start today I want to have everyone create a folder in their Google Drive for this class.  I don't really care what you call it, but just like a folder on a computer works the folder in your Google Drive will help you stay organized - you'll be able to keep all of the formatting activities in this one spot and then know where your information is in case something happens.

We will then start working on FA2 - the purpose of this formatting activity is to help you understand the difference between Save and Save As.

Activity 2

Wednesday, March 19

Vocabulary; Last of the symbol keys




After talking about each of those vocabulary words briefly we will continue with learning the symbol keys.  The good news is that today is the last day of learning the symbol keys - yaaayy!!

Today we will learn the = (R4), the _ (left shift + R4), and the * (left shift + R2).  After today we only have the keypad left to learn.  However, it takes a lot less time than learning either the letters, numbers, or symbols.

Tuesday, March 18

Spam video; new symbol keys; new seating chart

Reminder:  vocab definitions for vocab list #6 are due tonight!  Here is how many definitions still need to be completed:  1st hour - 4; 2nd hour - 6; 3rd hour - 6; 5th hour - 10; 6th hour - 8. After watching today's video we will again be learning more symbols on the keyboard.  Normally what we learned yesterday would take 2 days to go through, but since we've fallen behind a little I wanted to try and catch up a little by doubling up on the symbols.  So, we'll review what we learned yesterday and then continue with the new keys today.

The new keys we will be learning will be the # (right shift + L2), & (left shift + R1), + (left shift + R4), @ (right shift + L3), (  (right shift + R3), and )   (left shift + R4).

Monday, March 17

Learn symbols; RSS video

The symbols, many of which are located on the numbers and are used by holding down a shift key and then pressing a number, are more difficult to learn than everything else we've covered.  The biggest reason for that is simply that you don't use these keys very often, and the process of having to combine a shift key with a number increases the difficulty level.

Today we will cover the diagonal, or forward slash - / (R4), the dollar sign - $ (right shift + L1), the exclamation point - ! (right shift + L4), the percent sign - % (right shift + L1), the less than sign - < (left shift + R2), and the greater than sign - > (left shift + R3).

This is a vocab week, so if you have definitions they need to be completed by Tuesday night.  Please make sure to get those done as soon as you can.

Friday, March 14

Crossword puzzle due; learn 3, 6, and 2

You need to turn in your crossword puzzle at the beginning of the hour.  Please make sure your name is on your paper.

We will review the numbers that we have learned so far, then we will learn the last 3 numbers - the 3 (L2), the 6 (R1), and the 2 (L3).

This is the end of the 3rd quarter - believe it or not we are 75% of the way through the school year!!

Thursday, March 13

Learn the 5 & 7

Today we will learn the 5 and the 7 in class.

Just as a reminder...the Crossword Puzzle is due this Friday.  You can turn this in today if you have it completed or tomorrow.  If you do not get this turned in by tomorrow it will not get graded as it is the end of the 3rd Quarter.

Also, next week is a vocab week, so if you are responsible for definitions for week 6 please get those definitions posted to the Wikispaces page as soon as possible.

Wednesday, March 12

Continue to learn numbers; reminders

Today we will learn the 9 (R3), the 4 (L1), and the 0 (R4).

Just a couple of quick reminders...remember that you have a crossword puzzle that is due on Friday.  You can turn that in anytime between now and then - please make sure to put your name at the top.
Also, we do have a vocab quiz next week (over list #6).  If you are responsible for defining words this week is a great time to get that completed as you probably have very little homework with ISAT testing going on.  Again, all definitions will need to be posted by Tuesday night of next week.

Tuesday, March 11

Start learning the numbers

Today we are going to review the keyboard.  We really haven't practiced much in the last 2 weeks, so this will be a good day for reacquainting ourselves with the keys.

After a review we are going to start learning the numbers.  Today we are going to learn the 8 (R2) and the 1 (L4).


Monday, March 10

Embedding Internet Safety to Blog; practice

Today we are going to try and embed your video(s) in your blog.  The first thing that you will need to do is make sure your video is loaded into your class/hour group on GoAnimate!  Once that has been taken care of I can then copy and send you (through email) the embed code that you will need to post to your blog (some of you might notice that you have already been sent the email).

Additionally, when you receive the email that contains the embed code from me you will need to forward that to your partner since they will also need to embed your video(s) on their blog.

To complete the Internet Safety project you will need to embed your video(s) on your blog.  If you have only one video you will embed it in one blog post - if you have more than one video you will have to embed each video in a different blogpost.  Once you have embedded all of your videos you will need to send me an email that contains the names of you and your partner(s), as well as a link to your blog and your partner's blog.  Here is what I would do if I were Jimmy Fallon:

Mr. Pardoe:

Here are the links to our group's blogs for the Internet Safety project:

Jimmy Fallon -
Tina Fey -


Jimmy Fallon
Tonight Show host

After completing this, what I want you to do is choose a practice website to go to and practice.  Use your speed skin while you are practicing.

Friday, March 7

Vocab quiz #5; create a blog

Today we will be taking vocab quiz #5.

After taking the quiz everyone will be creating a blog at Blogger.  This is the same host site that I have used to create the class blog.  The sign up process will be simple because Blogger is a "sister" site to Google - you can use your Google account to log into your Blogger blog.

We will take some time today to create your blog - if we have time available we will be embedding your videos onto your blog.  At some point (either today or Monday) you will be sending me an email with a link to your blog so I can view your video(s) and grade them.

Wednesday, March 5

Internet Safety - 2 days left! Alice programming introduction

There are 2 days left to work on (in class) your Internet Safety project.  Tomorrow is the last day you will be allowed to work on it and it should be done by the end of the hour.

If you are done you are going to begin working on Alice - an Educational software program that teaches you computer programming in a 3D environment.  To use Alice, go to Finder on your computer.  Next, double click on the Alice folder.  Then, double click on the icon labeled Alice - you will need to agree to any user agreements.

Once you have opened Alice come back here and go to the following video and watch an introduction on how you will interact with the Alice interface.

Alice introductory video

Once you have watched that video you will begin working in Alice with Oracle Academy.  You will work through a series of Lessons that will help you to better understand how Alice works and how to manipulate the Alice programming environment.  Here is where you need to go:

Oracle Academy

Once at that website, click on "Get Started with Alice 3" under the red rectangle on the left side of the page (the red rectangle says "Self Study: Getting started with Java using Alice").  Work through each of the sections of that lesson - if you complete all of the sections move to the next lesson ("Add and Position Objects"); if you complete the different sections of that lesson move on the next lesson, and so on.

We will be using Alice often in the last quarter - you will be getting a head start on learning the software.

Tuesday, March 4

Internet Safety

Please continue to work on your Internet Safety project with your partner if you have not yet completed your 4 topics.  There have been several people asking about length - there is no minimum or maximum time that your video (or videos) need to be - you just need to clearly explain 4 of the topics of Internet Safety.

If you are done with your project today I want you to go to the practice websites on the blog - you will use your speed skin as you type.

Monday, March 3

Internet Safety - last week; Vocab week #5; missing assignments

This will be the last week that you will be allowed to work on the Internet Safety project.  It will be due at the end of the hour on Thursday.

Additionally we have another list of vocab words this week - list #5 (it is the first of 3 Internet lists).  As usual the vocab definitions need to be completed by Tuesday night and we will have our quiz on Friday.

Lastly, I have printed out new missing assignments lists - if you haven't checked Skyward recently you may want to look at the new sheets posted on the wall.