- Your crossword puzzle is due right now - please hand it in and make sure your name is at the top of your paper.
- Vocabulary for next week - everyone who is responsible for vocabulary for the week of Oct. 1 should have their words and should be either researching a definition or posting their definition(s) to the wikispaces page. Your definitions should be posted no later than next Tuesday.
- Saving documents - it is critically important that when you save your documents that you do NOT delete the extension to the document. I will show you what this means in class today. Also, I recommend saving everything to your flash drive. This way you can take what you have done with you without having to worry about trying to access the school server.
- After completing this, you need to complete your reflection for this week on your blog. Enter your newest reflection at the top. Enter the title in this method: "Week of Sept. 24". I will show you how to do this as well.
- After completing your reflection I want you to practice keying on the keyboard. If you go the website resources page on the blog you will find several different websites that you can use to practice with. I don't care which website you choose (in fact, if you want you can move from one website to another during the hour), but you need to practice and we are going to use the games on these websites for practice. One note about the websites - you MUST! stay on the websites that are listed on the website resources page.