Monday, May 14

Our Town week

We will be spending this week with the Our Town unit.  You will only be in here for 2 days, then on Wednesday and Thursday you will go to Mrs. Hamer's class.

As for Computer Applications, if you have missing work it needs to be turned in by Friday - after Friday I will no longer accept any assignments.  Remember, turning in assignments late will cost you points, but getting some credit is better than getting no credit!

Many of you still have not created your podcast, or finished your Alice project.  If you are not done please get those completed and submitted to me!  The directions to the podcast can be found here.  The Alice instructions are located here.

Friday, May 11

Vocab Quiz #10; Alice project; Reflection

After getting a few minutes to review for the quiz, you will go to classmarker and take Quiz #10.

Then, you need to post a reflection on your blog.  After posting the reflection, you'll need to send me an email with a link to your blog so I can read your reflections.  This will be graded!!

After completing these you can finish your Alice project.  If you are not done with your Alice project it will be due next Friday.  You can come in before school, during lunch recess, or after school next week to complete it.  I realize it has been a tough week (especially for those in the afternoon classes) with trying to get logged in and get your work done in Alice - that's why I'm giving you the additional time if you need it.  It should be completed, and emailed to me, by the end of next week.

Remember also that you can download Alice yourself on a computer you have at home (you'll need to go to to do so).  Saving your work here and then creating an email with the Alice file attached in Gmail would allow you to work on this at home if you download Alice.

Thursday, May 10

Photoshop video; Alice project

Watching this video will help you to better understand what Photoshop is:

This is a video that should help you to understand what Java (a programming language) is:

Again, today will be used to work on and complete your Alice project, which is due tomorrow.  If you are done with the Alice project, then you are to work on the 3 dragon tutorials listed below:

Dragon tutorial Part 1
Dragon Tutorial Part 2
Dragon Tutorial Part 3

Also remember that tomorrow you have your final vocab quiz of the year - vocab quiz #10, Multimedia and Graphics.  The videos that we have been watching this week should greatly help you with taking the quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9

Image file types; Alice project

You've still got 3 class periods to work on and complete the Alice project - plan accordingly!

You may need to check the board for missing assignments - it was updated this morning.  I have not yet included FA12 or the podcast in Skyward - if you did not complete either of those assignments they will not be listed here, and they should be completed and submitted for grading.

Also, don't forget that today is the last day to post your discussion on Edmodo!

Today's video is on different types of image files that you will find while working with a computer.

Here is a jpeg picture:

Here is a gif file:

Tuesday, May 8

Alice project work

We are again using today to complete the Alice project that you started yesterday - it is due Friday.

Also, don't forget that the Edmodo discussion is due tomorrow.

Here are today's videos for vocab:

This video will show you how Flash works:

If you want to see how Flash can be used on a website, you can go to this Flash website and see how Flash has made the website interactive.

Monday, May 7

Last week of work!

This week (which is our final week of class) we have 3 assignments that need to get completed.  The first one has already been given to you...last week I told you about the Edmodo discussion - it will be due Wednesday.  In case you forgot, here is the discussion prompt:

The year is 2032 (that's 20 years from now)...think of some sort of technology that you frequently use - how has that current technology changed?  Or what new technology, that we don't have now, is a part of our everyday life?  Post your response with an original answer before responding to at least 2 of your classmates.

In addition to that, you also will be having a vocab quiz on Friday over list #10 (Multimedia & Graphics, part 2).  If you are responsible this week for defining words on the Wikispaces page that should be done by tonight.

If you did not complete FA12 from Friday, that needs to be handed in today in order for it to not be considered late!

You are going to start today with 2 short videos. The first video will help to explain what a pixel is, and the second video will explain a bitmap image (you'll also learn about a vector image, but a vector image is not part of the vocab list for this week).

This video will help to explain what pixels are

This first video will help you to understand bitmap images

After watching the 2 videos, you'll be starting on the last project of the year, which is in Alice.  Your assignment in Alice is embedded below - this is a graded assignment!!  This is due Friday, so must be emailed to me no later than the end of class on Friday.

Alice project grading rubric

Final Alice project

Friday, May 4


Your podcast is due today!!  If you still haven't completed it, Vocaroo is the website you need to go to when you create your podcast.

The Formatting Activity and the corresponding directions are on yesterday's blogpost.  I can't emphasize enough that you need to follow the directions very carefully when completing this formatting activity.  Make sure you go step by step!

Have you completed your definitions on Wikispaces?  If not, get that done as soon as possible - your definitions should be on the Wikispaces page by the end of the day on Monday.

Also, your Edmodo posts are due next Wednesday - do you have them completed?

If you are done with the formatting activity, work on the 3 dragon tutorials in Alice (links are below):

Dragon tutorial Part 1
Dragon Tutorial Part 2
Dragon Tutorial Part 3

Thursday, May 3

Podcast; Formatting Activity 12

Your Podcast is due tomorrow !!

Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own Logo

If you have not yet posted your definitions to the wikispaces page you need to get that done by Monday of next week.  If you have not yet been told what your words are then you need to get in touch with your leader to find out.

After completing FA11 (Formatting in Excel), you need to complete the following Formatting Activity 12, which is also completed using Excel.  However, unlike FA11, this formatting activity requires you to insert functions and do quite a bit more in terms of formatting.  We will review some of the formatting things that we have already covered in Excel at the beginning of the hour before starting on FA12.

Activity 12 -

Wednesday, May 2

Edmodo; Excel & Formatting Activity 11

Logo Design by

Logo Design by

Our last Edmodo assignment is now on Edmodo!! I know it's been a few weeks since we used Edmodo, but we have this last discussion to complete. The discussion is as follows:

The year is 2032 (that's 20 years from now)...think of some sort of technology that you frequently use - how has that current technology changed?  Or what new technology, that we don't have now, is a part of our everyday life?  Post your response with an original answer before responding to at least 2 of your classmates.

Today, we're going to find out what you have learned in Excel. The next Formatting Activity (FA11), will challenge you to format an Excel worksheet. This should be fairly easy to complete - most of this is formatting that is similar to Word. The assignment is embedded below.

FA11 -

If you complete FA11 and you get your Edmodo post completed you can work on the following Alice tutorials that were posted on the blog last Friday (you may have already started these):

Dragon tutorial Part 1
Dragon Tutorial Part 2
Dragon Tutorial Part 3

Tuesday, May 1

Formatting in Excel


We will continue our work in Excel today by working with the file that we were working on yesterday.

Here is an additional Excel problem that you can work on by yourself to see if you can accomplish a few simple formatting steps in Excel.
