Monday, April 30

Excel introduction; Podcast

Remember that your podcast is due this Friday!  In order to access the website that you use to create your podcast, go to Vocaroo.  The instructions on how to create a podcast are located on the blogpost from Tuesday, April 24th.

Today we will begin learning how to use Excel.  As I will talk about in class, I think Excel is one of the most dynamic software programs that an individual can use.  There are so many things that you can do with Excel that makes it a fantastic program to use - unfortunately we are only going to be scratching the surface of it's capabilities with what we cover in the next 2 weeks.

In Excel we will try to cover the following today:  formatting cells (font style, font size, bold, italics, etc.), adding a border around cells, changing the column width, changing the row height, merge and center information across a series of cells, wrapping text on 2 lines, inserting a function (i.e. adding a column), showing formulas (CTRL + ~), and the printing process (this is very different from printing in Word).

Oh, and by the way, there is no Vocab list this week.  Our final vocab list will be next week.  That means that if you are defining words for list #10 there is no reason that shouldn't be done by next Monday.  You've got the entire week to get that completed - leaders should contact their group members today to let them know what words they are to define!

Friday, April 27

Vocab quiz #9; preparing for Excel next week; Alice

HAVE YOU COMPLETED YOUR PODCAST YET?  For most of you the answer is no.  I think I have, at this point, 3 people who have completed their podcast.  Plan accordingly in getting this done by next Friday - DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!!

You will be given a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review for the quiz.

Once we have taken the quiz, post your reflection on your blog - again, make sure to include an image with this week's reflection.

Once you have completed that, enter the following information into Excel.  Type the information in the correct cells as you see here - if your document does not look exactly like it does here that is ok - we will be editing it on Monday and will iron out those problems.  We are not going to use this today, but I want you to have it in an Excel document so we can begin working in Excel next week.  Once you enter this into Excel save it!!!

Excel practice

After completing the information in Excel, you may begin working on this series of Alice tutorials.  These are not "due" at any time - these are for your benefit in learning to use Alice.

Dragon tutorial Part 1
Dragon Tutorial Part 2
Dragon Tutorial Part 3

Thursday, April 26

Finish FA10; Next Alice tutorial

What Is WAV File? -- powered by ehow

If you have not yet completed FA10, you will need to get that done as soon as possible today in class.  It is due today.

After completing FA10, you need to work on the next Alice tutorial, located at the URL below:

Many of you have missing assignments, and they are posted on the wall.  If you have something missing please make sure that you are making an effort to work on these and get them turned in.  Zeroes will absolutely kill your grade - if you turn your assignments in, even if they are late, you will be doing your grade a huge favor!!

Wednesday, April 25

Streaming video; FA10


Today we are going to begin with watching a video that explains what streaming video is.  Here is the video:

I am going to show you how to insert Clipart images into a Word document today.  Using these images is very common in creating brochures and other types of publications.  But, if you are going to be using these in a document you need to know how to properly format them so you can use them in a document - and I'll show you how to do that today.

ClipArt was originally a "stand alone" set of images that you purchased separately from Word processing software.  Eventually Microsoft bought the ClipArt images, and then started including them as part of what you could insert into your document within Word.  Today, not only can you insert ClipArt images in Word, but Microsoft has a whole website dedicated to ClipArt images that you have access to through Word to help make your document look great!

Here are the instructions to Formatting Activity 10 - this will be due at the end of the day on Thursday.

Activity 10

Tuesday, April 24

Complete FA9; podcasting assignment

Today you will be given time to complete FA9 - make sure that you follow the instructions from yesterday's blog.  Today is a shortened hour due to Connections and getting out an hour early, so make sure to plan accordingly.

When you get done, you need to grab the green handout and type it in Excel using the keypad.

If you haven't completed your vocab definitions on Wikispaces and this is your week, you need to get this done before school starts tomorrow.

The following information explains how to create a podcast using Vocaroo.  Once you get to the website you are going to click on the button that says "Click to Record".

Next, you're going to see a window that pops up and asks to have permission to your microphone - choose "Allow".  You will then immediately be able to record your podcast - when you are done, click on "Click to Stop".

Once you have clicked on that you will see some information that comes up below (shown here):
You need to copy the HTML code by first clicking in the bar where you see "<object width=...."so that it is highlighted.  Once you have it copied, you can now go to your blog to "embed" this html code into a new post.Next, open your blog and start a new post.  Click on "Edit HTML" in the top, left corner, as shown here:

Then paste your copied code into the message area of your new post.  Publish your post.  You should now have a Vocaroo icon on your blog that you can click on to start listening to your podcast!Once you have your podcast up and running, send me an email with a link to your blog so I can hear your podcast.  This will be graded!Here are a few websites you can use to help you decide on a speech that you can do for your podcast - you must use one of the speeches on one of these websites:
Your podcast will be due by next Friday, May 4.  It can be sent after school on that day, but it is due that day.  If you need time to come in here at school to complete it then please make arrangements to do so!

Monday, April 23

Using the Draw Tools in Word

It is important that the vocab lists get filled out on Wikispaces as soon as possible.  For the last couple of vocab lists we have had too many people not get their words posted on Wikispaces.  The vocab words should be defined before school starts on Wednesday, so plan accordingly.  Leaders - make sure you are dividing the words and letting your group members know which words they need to define.

The theme for most of the rest of the semester will involve multimedia and graphics (this is also the theme of the vocab list for this week).  In many ways, we've already incorporated much of multimedia and graphics into the class in a variety of ways.  However, over the course of the last couple of weeks we are going to dig even deeper and look at various other ways that we can use and incorporate multimedia and graphics when working with a computer.

To begin on that front we are going to watch a video today covering podcasting.  Here it is:

Podcasting in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo

Today we are going to learn how to insert autoshapes, text boxes, and WordArt into Word, and then learn how to format those objects.  We are going to cover in class today the following aspects of formatting objects:
  1. Changing the size of objects
    1. using the mouse
    2. using the format menu and popup window
  2. Changing the color of objects
  3. Adding border to objects
  4. Inserting WordArt into Word
  5. Formatting WordArt
  6. Moving objects freely within Word

Activity 9

Friday, April 20

Vocab quiz #8; reflection; Finish Alice tutorial

You will be given several minutes to quickly review for Vocab quiz #8.  After reviewing we will go to Classmarker and take the quiz (you will not go to the website until I direct you to do so).

After the quiz, write your reflection on your blog.  Remember that you must include an image with your blogpost (this could be a time where you take a picture of your world and include your screenshot as your image on your blogpost).

If you get done with your reflection and you are done with the tutorial, see if you can add the following into your world:

  1. After having already added the lunar lander from yesterday, have the astronaut drive the humvee to a far away location in your world to where there is a small "space community".
  2. At this community, have the astronaut pick up an individual and transport him or her back to the lunar lander.
  3. Before entering the Lunar Lander, have both the astronaut and the community individual wave goodbye, and then have them both climb the ladder of the lunar lander and enter the lunar lander (have them climb in one at a time).
  4. Have the lunar lander take off as if it is leaving the space world you have created.

Thursday, April 19


We will start today with talking about several of the vocab words.


Here is a video that explains what cache memory is.

After completing this part of class we will be completing the Alice tutorial from yesterday.  Here is the link to get to the tutorial:  Astronaut tutorial

If you complete the tutorial, see if you can add the following:

Have the lunar lander land on the moon and have the astronaut emerge from the lander and move to the position where it starts in the tutorial (next to the humvee).

Wednesday, April 18

Firewall; Alice space tutorial; Vocab words

Below is a video that explains what a Firewall is - we will start class with this today.

I will extend the vocab definitions until the end of the day today.  If you have definitions to make they need to be completed by the time school starts tomorrow.  At this time if you are a group leader for the vocab words for next week you need to give each of your group members their words before the end of the week!

Today, in Alice, you are going to work on setting up new camera angles, creating new methods, and the "Do together" control.  To access the instructions for this tutorial you need to click here:  Alice space tutorial.

Tuesday, April 17

Alice beginnings

Before we begin working with Alice today, please remember that the vocab words for this week need to be defined before school begins tomorrow.  If not, you will not earn points for posting your definitions.  This is part of your responsibility as a team member in the class.  On to Alice....

Alice is a computer programming language based on OOP - or object oriented programming.  That means that in Alice you manipulate objects - this is obviously much different than what we did with Logo, in which we had to write, in words, what we wanted the turtle to do.  OOP's distinct advantage is that you avoid having a bunch of syntax (or spelling) errors, which would render your actions in Logo useless.

In Alice we manipulate objects to perform actions.  Many of these actions have already been included, but there are many actions that you can create with the characters that you have access to.  We will be learning how to do that as we learn to use Alice.

Today we will introduce the Alice interface, and after going through the beginnings of the world you will complete the creation of your own Alice World (each program you create in Alice is called a World).

Open a new world.  Include at least 2 objects in your world...ones that are preferably human or animal.  In the new world have each of your objects do the following:

  1. jump up and down twice
  2. jump up, turn one revolution, and then land
  3. jump up, roll on revolution, and then land
  4. make the objects go around in a full circle, then turn left and right

If you bring in a box of kleenex by this Friday (April 20) I will give you extra credit points!!

Monday, April 16


If you are scheduled to define words for this week, please make sure that you get your words defined before school starts on Wednesday.  This week's list is List #8 - Technical; all of these words have something to do with the technical side of computers.  If you are this week's leader, please make sure to get your teammates their words immediately!  This week's leaders are:

3rd - Tristan D.
4th - Jenna D.
6th - Jacob F.
7th - Ryan K.
8th - Paige V.

Today we are going to finish learning the keys on the keypad.  There are two handouts that you need to enter into Microsoft Excel - you will start with the blue handout (you will be learning the 7, 8 & 9 on this handout), when you get done return it and get the green handout (to learn the 1, 2, 3 & period).  Type each of these as we discussed last week - you read across each Drill, but enter it into Microsoft Excel by column.  In other words, all of Drill 1 should be in Column A, all of Drill 2 in Column B, and so on.

SPEED SKIN ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!  After you complete both handouts in Excel, if you need to finish your blog reflection for last week you can do that now.  Remember that you should have an image included in your blog post, and your image needs to be related to something that we did last week (and it obviously should be school appropriate).

If you have any missing work, any time remaining that you have should be used to complete your missing work.  The sheets on the board are updated as of this morning.

If you are completely done with everything you may go to the website resources page on the blog and choose a website to practice on.  You obviously may jump from one website to another but the website you use must be listed on the blog.

Friday, April 13

Vocab quiz; Finish FA8; reflection

  1. I'll give you a few minutes to review for the quiz, then we'll go to classmarker and complete Vocab Quiz #7.
  2. After completing the quiz, you need to finish FA8 and send it to me through Gmail (the instructions are still on Wednesday's blogpost) - this is due today!  Your speed skin will be on your keyboard as you complete FA8.
  3. Complete your journal reflection for this week.  Remember to include an image of something that is representative of what we have done this week.
  4. If you get all of the above done you can go to 10 fast fingers and post your best time on the blog.  The instructions for doing this are also on the blog for this week.  

Thursday, April 12

Vocab help; Keypad work; FA8

1. Today we are going to start off with discussing some of the items that are on the vocab list for this week to help you with tomorrow's quiz.  To start with, let's see if you know what type of websites you would find with these top level domain names:
There are two ISP's in Geneseo - who are they?  (first, figure out what an ISP is) 
Did you know you can easily find your IP Address (first of all, what is an IP Address)?   
Go to and it will tell you what the IP Address is for your internet connection. 
What's the difference between a virus and a bug (bug was a vocab word from the software list)? 
[Video] Computer Basics : How Do Websites Recognize Computer Cookies?

2. After watching the video on cookies, you need to finish FA8 - the directions are on yesterday's blogpost.

3.  Once you finish FA8, grab the green handout that is sitting on the cart.  In this handout you will be using the Keypad again, but you will be adding the 2, 5, and 8 numbers to the others that you learned yesterday.  Type the handout in the same fashion as you did yesterday - each Drill should be typed in a column.  For example, Drill 1 should be entered in Column A; Drill 2 should be entered in Column B, and so on.

4.  If you finish, you can go to 10 Fast Fingers - when you complete your speed test post it on your blog if it is faster than your previous best.

Wednesday, April 11

Keypad; FA8

Today we are going to start learning the keypad - that's the section of the keyboard on the right hand side that has the set of numbers on it.  It's fairly simple to learn.

First, you must use your right hand (sorry if you are left-handed, but that's the way it works).  Second, there is a "home row" on the keypad just as there is on the alphanumeric part of the keyboard.  The home row on the keypad is as follows:

Thumb - zero
R1 - 4
R2 - 5
R3 - 6
R4 - Enter key

You will use these fingers in "columnar" fashion; in other words, your index finger will key the numbers in the left column (1, 4, 7), your middle finger will key the numbers in the middle column (2, 5, 8), and your ring finger will key the numbers in the right column (3, 6, 9).

To begin learning the keypad today we are going to type a handout using Microsoft Excel.  If you don't remember, Microsoft Excel is represented by a green X on your dock, and looks like this:

After completing the keypad work, we are going to start working on Formatting Activity 8.  In this activity you are going to learn to use the word count feature in Microsoft word.  The word count feature shows you several pieces of important information:  pages, words in the document (but you can also find this at the bottom of your document), characters in the document (with and without spaces), lines, and paragraphs.  In order to access the word count feature in Microsoft Word, go to TOOLS menu, then select WORD COUNT.

FA 8

Tuesday, April 10

Welcome Back!

I hope you all enjoyed your spring break!  I know I found it to be relaxing, and something I desperately needed in order to prepare for this last stretch run to the end of school (there are only 7 weeks left!).

Today, we need to get back in the flow of keying on a daily basis.  We will start with reviewing everything on the keyboard that we have learned so far...and we will do it with the speed skin on the keyboard :-)  I have a handout that you need to key in word to begin with.

There will be a vocab quiz this Friday, and it is over the 7th list of words (Internet #3).  If you STILL!! have not defined your words for the vocab quiz for this Friday you need to get this done before school tomorrow!  If you have a vocab "word" that is an acronym (for example GPS) make sure to include what each letter stands for as part of the definition; however that should not be the only thing you enter - you need to include the definition also.  Here is what is left in each hour:

3rd hour - 3 definitions left
4th hour - 2 definitions left
6th hour - 4 definitions left
7th hour - 4 definitions left (but 2 definitions have no name next to them)
8th hour - 5 definitions left

After finishing the handout, if you have missing assignments you need to get those done now.  If you do get done with the handout I would like for you to go to 10 Fast Fingers and test yourself to see how you do on speed typing.  When you get done you will paste your best time on your home page of your blog.  Here is how that can be done:
After completing the timed test on the website, scroll down and you will see something similar to this:

Select all of the writing in the "HTML-Code" section and then copy it.  Next, go to the home page on your blog, create a new post (NOT A NEW PAGE!!) titled Speed test.  Next, open up the HTML editing window (you do that by clicking on "HTML" in the top left corner when you create a new post), then paste what you copied into the message box. Click on "Compose" in the top left (next to "HTML"), then publish your new post.