Thursday, March 21

Review keypad; keyboarding baseball

We will review all of the keys that we have learned thus far on the keypad.

After reviewing, it will be keyboarding baseball!


Wednesday, March 20

Keypad - 1, 2, 3; 7, 8, 9; Keyboarding duet

We will complete the learning of the keypad today with 2 new handouts covering the 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9.

After completing the handouts we will be playing a game using a partner called keyboarding duet.  I'll explain how this game works when we get to that point of class.

Tuesday, March 19

New symbol keys; keypad keys

We are going to learn the last of the symbol keys today.  There are 3, and they are as follows:

  1. equal sign (=) - R4; used in mathematical calculations to show equality
  2. underline or underscore (_) - left shift + R4; it is more commonly referred to now as the underscore because we use the underline button in Word to underline text; many people may use this as part of an email address, twitter handle, or some other online username
  3. backslash (\) - R4; used mostly to write computer subdirectories when explaining where a file can be found on a computer - for example C:\MacintoshHD\User\JSmith\CompApps\practice.docx
After learning these last 3 symbol keys we will begin with the learning the numbers on the keypad.  To learn these you will be given a handout, and then you will need to type the information in Excel.  When entering the information from the handout, go drill by drill - in other words type the information in Drill 1, columns A through F, then Drill 2, columns A through F, and so on.  

Monday, March 18

New symbols; Crossword puzzle 1-6

We will be learning 3 new symbols today.  They are the @ (right shift + L3), the left parentheses (right shift + R3), and the right parentheses (left shift + R4).

Also today I will be handing out a crossword puzzle that will be due Friday.  We do not have a vocab quiz this week so the crossword puzzle takes place of the vocab quiz (this will work as a good review of all 6 vocab lists that we have had up to this point).

Even though we don't have a vocab quiz this week (and the corresponding definitions on the wiki page), for those that are responsible for defining words for week 7 (that will be the week that starts on April 8) you can post your definitions anytime between now and then.   This means you will have 3 weeks to post a definition - more than enough time to get your job done!

Friday, March 15

Vocab quiz #6; finish FA2; Timed writing

From now until the end of the year your speed skin will be on the keyboard.  You know all of the letters and numbers (as well as most of the symbols - but those are rarely used) so there is no need to look at your keyboard to find a letter or number.

We will take vocab quiz #6 after reviewing for several minutes.

I know many of you did not get FA2 done yesterday.  But, there were also many of you who spent too much time randomly looking up movies and actors on, so you wasted a lot of the time that should have been used for completing your work.  You will need to be more diligent in getting your formatting activities done in the allotted time from now on.

If you did not get your FA2 done yesterday, after the quiz you need to get that done.  Same with the timed writing - if you didn't hand it in yesterday get that done today and handed in so it can be graded.  Here is the link to the timed writings page:

When you are doing your timed writing you need to click on the "Certificate Typing Test" on the Test page - otherwise you will not be able to print out the typing certificate that will have the information that I can use to get your timed writing graded.

If you have not yet submitted to me your Internet Safety video (through email) from your blog you will need to get that done today as well.

If you are done with all of the above, you may go to either the Free typing games website or the Free online games website

Thursday, March 14

Spam vs. Phishing; Complete FA2

After the videos you will be completing FA2.  When you are done with FA2 you should have 2 printed pages, and in the instructions it tells you which page should be on top.

When you finish you need to go to the Certificate test webpage and complete a timed writing.  This will be handed in for a grade, so you will want to try and do as well as you can.  That means that you can try 20 times if you want, but you need to have 1 completed and handed in today.  I will show you how this is going to be done.  The grading scale for the timed writing is as follows:

Timed writing Q1

If you complete the timed writing you may practice on the website for the rest of the hour (this is the website with the certificate test).

Wednesday, March 13

New symbol keys; FA2

There are 2 new keys that we are going to learn today - the # (right shift + L2) and the & (left shift + R1).

Once we get done with learning the new keys we are going to start on Formatting Activity 2.  In this activity we are going to learn how "SAVE" and "SAVE AS" are different.  This is an important distinction when using programs and saving files.

Additionally, it is vitally important that you save your document with a file extension.  When we are working in Word every file you save should have a file extension of .docx.  Without this file extension the computer does not know which application you used to create the file - this creates a problem when you try to reopen the file later.

Formatting Activity 2 will be due on Thursday.


Tuesday, March 12

Citizenship grade; New symbols

I forgot to remind everyone yesterday that the Citizenship grade started yesterday.  Remember, this means that you should be a good Citizen in class at all times - be where you are supposed to be on the computer, treat others with respect, do what you are supposed to do, etc.!  I told you at the beginning of the year that you can plan on going to the class blog everyday - that is still true.  Do not do anything else or go anywhere else until you are told to do so - whether that is going to Word, somewhere else on the Internet, etc.  You should be where I ask you to be and that is it.

Today we are going to continue with learning new symbols.  But, first we are going to review from yesterday.  So, turn to page 40 and type lines 1-9 on 17B once.

After this warmup we'll be learning the % (right shift + L1), the "less than" sign - < (left shift + R2), and the "greater than" sign - > (left shift + R3).

Today you need to have your movie on your blog and an email sent to me with the URL to your blog.

If you have this completed you need to go to the following website and practice your timed writings (if you get done with one choose another until you have completed all of them):

WPM typing test

Monday, March 11

Vocab week #6; learning symbols; timed writing practice

This week we have vocab quiz #6 to post on the wiki pages.  If you are responsible you need to get your vocab words posted to the wiki pages by tomorrow night.

We also will begin learning the symbols on the keyboard.  We will not learn them all, but many are important for one reason or another and we need to be able to key these.  We will start today with the diagonal or forward slash (R4), the dollar sign (right shift + L1), and the exclamation point (right shift + L4).

When we get done learning these new symbols we will be splitting up to accomplish different tasks based on what you got done last week.  If you did not get your Internet Safety movie embedded on your blog you will need to get this done immediately.   The instructions for embedding your movie from Xtranormal are on Friday's blogpost.

If you got your Internet Safety movie embedded on your blog you need to do the following:

  1. You need to send me an email with a link to your blog. Make sure you copy the URL of your blog and paste it in the message box as part of your email.  
  2. When you send your email please put the name of your partner in the email so I know who you were working with for the project.
  3. You should still be using correct email procedures - if not you will lose points on your project.
Once you get done with the above I want you to go to the following website and practice your timed writings.  These are the speed tests that we have previously talked about in class - this is good practice and is helpful in getting you to increase the speed with which you type.  Here is the website:

Friday, March 8

Vocab Quiz #5; embed internet safety movie on blog

You will be able to spend the first couple of minutes reviewing for the vocab quiz - you will want to go to your wikispaces page to review.  Do NOT go to Classmarker until you are told to go there.

Once you have completed your vocab quiz you will want to embed your Internet Safety video on your blog.  I am going to include those instructions below.

  1. Log into your Xtranormal account
  2. Click on the "My Stuff" tab
  3. Click on your movie
  4. The click on where it says "<  >   Embed the Xtranormal player" (see image below)

  1. In the window that pops up, you want to choose a size of 480X270.  
  2. You cannot change the title, and you do not need to include anything in the description bar.
  3. Click in the "Copy this code" box; it should select all of the text written there - copy it 
  4. Open your blog and create a new post.  At the top of the screen you will see where it says "Post title" - click on this.  The post should be titled Internet Safety movie.
  5. Next, click on HTML (see image below).  Then paste your copied code from the Xtranormal website.

  1. Once you have copied your HTML code, then you can click on the Publish button at the top of the page.  
  2. Go to your blog - you should see your movie on your blog!  If you see the HTML code you copied from the Xtranormal website then you did not click on the HTML button when you were creating your blogpost.  You'll need to go back to step 8 and start over.

Thursday, March 7

Netiquette video; Vocab quiz tomorrow

The website referred to in the video is - this website does a very good job of explaining what netiquette is.  In fact there is a list of

Webpage vs. Website

Search Engine vs. Browser


Safari vs. Internet Explorer (IE) vs. Firefox

Wednesday, March 6

Missing assignments; vocab; Creating your blog

I have now posted a new set of missing assignment lists.  I am also handing out a slip of paper to all of those who have missing assignments.  Remember, this Friday is the last day of the 3rd Quarter and any missing assignments after Friday will stay as a 0 in the grade book on Skyward.

The vocab quiz will still be this Friday even though we missed yesterday.  However, I am going to bump back the deadline for entering definitions on Wikispaces to tonight.  Therefore, if you have definitions for this week they will need to be posted on your Wikispaces page by tonight.

First, check to see if your blog got created.  If not, you will need to go through the steps that I led you through on Monday - let me know if you need help.  If your blog did get created then now is the time to see you how you can change your themes to make your blog look more like you want it to.  I will be showing you this so you can manipulate your blog to look how you want it to, but remember that you are not allowed class time to do this.  If you want to make changes you will have to do that on your own time (after today).

If everyone's blog is created today we are going to use your blog to embed your Internet Safety project - this will then make your Xtranormal video available on the web for everyone to view.  Once you have your video embedded on your blog you need to send me an email with a link to your blog (both partners will do this so I know that both partners have embedded the video on their blog).  Once I have received your email I will be able to watch your video and grade it.

Monday, March 4

Vocab week #5; Create a blog

This is week #5 for the vocab lists - the list for this week is all about the Internet.  We will check to see whose week it is to post definitions.  Remember...definitions should be posted by Tuesday!  I've been fielding a lot of questions regarding getting a zero for wikispaces assignment.  If you don't post a definition for your vocab words that you are responsible for, then I have to, and I can't give you credit for work you haven't done.  Also, if you do not post your definitions there is no possibility to post them late - you will either receive 5 points for posting the definitions or 0 if you do not post them.

Today we are going to begin creating your blog.  We will need to go to Blogger's website -  This is going to allow you to be creative to a certain degree, but we will also have some assignments that will be required to be posted to your blog.  Since we are doing this at school you will have a few rules you will have to follow:

  1. Your blog will need to be school appropriate at all times
  2. There will be no games on your blog
  3. You will open your blog (or be on your blog) ONLY when you are told to.  You will not be on your blog changing designs or posting information (or for any other reason) without permission.
Also, we are going to institute a new Citizenship grade.  I am going to give each of you points, and every time you do something that you should not be doing you are going to lose some of your Citizenship points.  For example, if you are in Google Chat you would lose Citizenship points because you should NEVER! be in Google Chat during class.  If you are searching in Google when we are typing out of the book, you would lose Citizenship points.  Being a good citizen means doing things right even when no one is looking - for example, you don't walk out of Wal-Mart with a candy bar that you didn't pay for just because the person at the cash register can't see you take the candy bar.  

Friday, March 1

Vocab Quiz 4; Internet Safety Project Due!

As usual with the vocab quizzes you will get a few minutes to review - you should be reviewing by going to the wikispaces page.  After reviewing for several minutes you will go to Classmarker to take the quiz - DO NOT GO TO CLASSMARKER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO!

After completing the vocab quiz, you and your partner will need to finish your Xtranormal movie and get it published.  This will take some time, so don't try to publish with 2 minutes left in class.  Once you publish you will have work to do on the computer.

After you have finished the vocab quiz and publishing your movie you will be keying.  Here is what I want you to do WITH YOUR SPEED SKIN ON YOUR KEYBOARD:

(in Microsoft Word)
P. 29, 13B, lines 1-4 once
P. 30, 13D, lines 1-6 once
P. 31, 14B, lines 1-4 once
P. 32, 14D, lines 1-6 once

If you get done with those lines you need to raise your hand so I can see that you are done.  Then you need to go to this website and practice off of this website:  Free online typing games