Friday, August 31

First Vocab Quiz; Internet Safety research

One note:  always keep all books, planners, pencil pouches, etc. below your chair.  There just is not enough room to have everyone's things piled on the countertop with the limited space we have.

Today is our first vocab quiz.  We will sign up on Classmarker, a website that houses all of the vocab quizzes for the class.  Your login for Classmarker is usually your first name followed by the first 3 letters of your last name.  If there is an account already created on Classmarker with that same sequence you will then have a number after your name.

Everyone's password in each class will be the same, so once we get to this point I will let you know what your password is.

After we sign up on Classmarker you will be given a few minutes to review before we take the quiz.

Next, we have a video that I want to share with you regarding Internet Safety.  Again - you may want to take notes if the topic is one of the topics you are researching.  This video will be available on the Internet Safety page so you are welcome to go back to that page and view the video again as many times as is needed on your own.

Thursday, August 30

Learn C and Y; internet safety video; research

To start with today, we are going to learn 2 new keys - the N (R1) and the G (L1).  These are both keyed using index fingers, so these should be relatively easy.

Once we get done learning these keys, we will watch the following video:

 After watching the video we will continue with doing our research for our Internet Safety project.


Tuesday, August 28

Internet Safety

Today we are going to start doing our research on Internet Safety.  Eventually you will be creating an animated project that will cover the information that you research.  At this point...don't get worried about this being a project - we'll deal with that later.

Internet Safety covers many different aspects of accessing websites and information on the web, and it requires a common-sense knowledge of what to do and what to avoid while you are surfing the web.  This should be taken very seriously - people have been seriously injured (even died), tragically affected by what has happened to them, and some have even lost their homes because they have not practiced Internet Safety. 

Your job will be to do research in various ares of Internet Safety and then make a movie explaining what you have learned.  You will be working with a partner (groups of 2 only!) of your choice.  Whoever you choose you need to make sure that it is someone you can trust, and someone who will share half the responsibility of completing the work with you (in other words you don't want to do all of the work yourself!).

On the blog there is a page dedicated to Internet Safety - this will prove very useful for you in completing this project.  You want to gather information about 4 of the following areas:
  1. Identity Theft
  2. Passwords
  3. Social networking (using self-control)
  4. Reliability of information found on websites
  5. Cyberbullying/harassment
  6. Accessing inappropriate websites
  7. Email netiquette/phishing scams/spam
The rubric that we will be using for this project is below (a rubric shows how your assignment is going to be graded - therefore you know exactly what is expected of you when you are creating your presentation). 

Here are many different websites that you can use to research information about Internet Safety.  You and your partner will want to take notes on the different areas that you decide you want to include in your project.  Some of these websites may no longer work - if they do not please let me know so that I can change or delete them.

I will have several videos for you to watch to help you learn a little bit about Internet Safety. It would be easy to use just the information listed on this webpage - however it would be perfectly ok for you to find additional information on other websites if those websites are reliable. this point what you need to do is just research as many facts and information about Internet Safety using the websites listed here as you can.  Remember, you need to cover 4 different areas in your project (there are 7 total areas to choose from - they were listed above the rubric).  

Finish Wiki; New keys; review

Today we are going to get everyone on the same page.  We have some who still have not gotten their accounts setup on the class wiki, so for those we will get that done.

There has been one change on the vocab list!! (sorry)  Change processor to modem.  The best definition can be found here:  Tech Terms

Others will be learning new keys (some of the classes still have not yet learned the O and the T).  To type the O use your R3 finger; the T is the L1 finger.

If your class has accomplished all of the above today we will be reviewing and practicing the keys we have learned so far.

In looking forward...we will be starting out Internet Safety project tomorrow.  This will be a project that you will work with a partner on (you can choose your partner).  If we have an odd number of students in the room we will have 1 group with 3 people (if there are problems with creating groups I will decide the groups).  This project will take roughly 2 weeks to complete, and we will use class time to complete the project.  2 weeks is more than enough time to get this done IF you work hard during class.

Monday, August 27

Posting on a Wiki page

Technique sheets - will be handed out and you will need to sign.  Please enter your first and last name at the top, then hand back to the end of the row.

Today we are going to go back to our wiki page and learn how to enter a definition on the Wiki for all to read and use for review.  Each hour's wiki page is as follows:

Remember, you can also get to your respective wiki page by clicking on your hour (i.e. "3rd Hour") above the spreadsheet on the vocabulary page (the spreadsheet has the X's on it).

If you are the leader for this week, please make sure that your group members have the words that they are responsible to define before they leave class today!!

We will learn 2 new keys today - the O (R3) and the T (L1).

Friday, August 24

Wikispaces & Vocabulary

Today we are going to work on getting everything set up for our vocabulary lists and quizzes.  This is important because next week is our first vocabulary quiz.

All of the vocabulary lists are included on the blog so if you need to know which words are going to be used for which week you can refer to the information on the Vocabulary page on the blog (  The list of vocab words is at the very bottom of the page.

The way vocabulary works in here is probably much different than what you are used to.  Each of you will be responsible for defining words on 3 different occasions (or weeks).  How many words you are required to define depends on how many others are responsible for the same week.  For example, some weeks in some classes there are 12 words and 6 people defining words - that means that each person would have 2 words to define.  But there are also weeks where there are 12 words and 7 people; in this scenario 5 people would have to define 2 words and 2 people would define 1 word.

Also, on the vocabulary page on the blog is a list of each student in each class.  The classes are listed in order, and next to your name you will find 3 X's that represent the weeks you are responsible for defining words (as was described in the last paragraph).  If you have an X that is highlighted in yellow, that means that you are responsible for dividing up the words amongst your group members for that week.  YOU MUST TELL YOUR GROUP MEMBERS WHICH WORDS THEY ARE TO DEFINE AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE!!

Vocab word definitions should be posted on the Wiki no later than Tuesday night.  Group leaders - this means that you should tell your group members their word(s) by Tuesday of the week before you're definitions are due.  

The definitions you post should have something to do with computers.  Additionally, the definitions should be easy to understand.  If you read it and it doesn't make any sense, then other people probably will not understand it either.  There are plenty of websites that you can use to get a good, quality definition from.  Here are several (these are also posted on the vocabulary page so you can go there to use these when it is your turn to define a word):

If you need help...that's why I'm here.  Ask me if you're not sure what the definition means or are not sure what part of the definition you found is most important for everyone else to understand.  

Thursday, August 23

Wrapping up Google accounts

3rd/4th hours:

Those in these hours will continue with practicing and learning new keys.  We have already added the H, E, I, and R to the home row; today we will add the letter-keys O (R3) and T (L1).

For tomorrow, you can bring your cell phone to school to help with setting up a Google account.  Leave your cell phone in your locker in either "OFF" or "vibrate" mode - you can bring them to this class when the time comes.  

6th/7th hours:

Today the first thing we are going accomplish is that we are going to have everyone send an email to their parent(s)/guardian(s) (except 8th hour - you will be creating a Google account first).  Once you get logged in to the computer, log into your Google account.  Go to your Gmail account - you should see several links across the top of the screen - you want to click on Gmail. 

On the left hand side you will see a button labeled "Compose" - click on it.

In the "To:" field type in your parents' email address.  If you're not sure I can help by looking on Skyward.

In the "Subject" line type in "Hello from Computer Applications class".

In the message box, copy the information that I have given to you below and paste it into your message box.  If you are not sure how to copy and paste, please let me know so I can help you get that done.  Here is what you need to enter in your message box:

Dear mom/dad/other:

I am sending you this email from my Computer Applications class to let you know that we have created a new Google account in class this week, and today we are sending our first email!  

In addition, Mr. Pardoe wants me to inform you that he has some important information to share with you regarding my Computer Applications class.  You will need to go to the following website to read this information -

If you have any questions you can contact him at

Your favorite son/daughter,

Darth Vader

After entering your message you should always double check to make sure everything is correct.  Once you have done that, go back to the top (above where the "To:" field is) and you'll see a button labeled "Send" - click on it and off it goes!

8th hour:

Today, you will create your Google account.  Once you are done creating your account please take your cell phone back to your locker - make sure that it is in vibrate or off mode.  After creating your new Google account, and if we have enough time, we are going to add a new contact - Mr. Pardoe (  Here is a screenshot of where you go to create a new contact:

Before you leave I need your email address and your password to your email account.  YOU MUST MAKE SURE TO WRITE THIS INFORMATION DOWN EXACTLY AS YOU ENTERED IT WHEN YOU CREATED YOUR ACCOUNT!!!  This is important because I want to have your information in case you forget it. 

Wednesday, August 22

Wednesday, Aug. 22

3rd/4th hours:

Today the first thing we are going accomplish is that we are going to have everyone send an email to their parent(s)/guardian(s) (except 8th hour - you will be creating a Google account first).  Once you get logged in to the computer, log into your Google account.  Go to your Gmail account - you should see several links across the top of the screen - you want to click on Gmail. 

On the left hand side you will see a button labeled "Compose" - click on it.

In the "To:" field type in your parents' email address.  If you're not sure I can help by looking on Skyward.

In the "Subject" line type in "Hello from Computer Applications class".

In the message box, copy the information that I have given to you below and paste it into your message box.  If you are not sure how to copy and paste, please let me know so I can help you get that done.  Here is what you need to enter in your message box:

Dear mom/dad/other:

I am sending you this email from my Computer Applications class to let you know that we have created a new Google account in class this week, and today we are sending our first email!  

In addition, Mr. Pardoe wants me to inform you that he has some important information to share with you regarding my Computer Applications class.  You will need to go to the following website to read this information -

If you have any questions you can contact him at

Your favorite son/daughter,

Darth Vader

After entering your message you should always double check to make sure everything is correct.  Once you have done that, go back to the top (above where the "To:" field is) and you'll see a button labeled "Send" - click on it and off it goes!

6th/7th hours:

Today, you will create your Google account.  Once you are done creating your account please take your cell phone back to your locker - make sure that it is in vibrate or off mode.  After creating your new Google account, and if we have enough time, we are going to add a new contact - Mr. Pardoe (  Here is a screenshot of where you go to create a new contact:

Before you leave I need your email address and your password to your email account.  YOU MUST MAKE SURE TO WRITE THIS INFORMATION DOWN EXACTLY AS YOU ENTERED IT WHEN YOU CREATED YOUR ACCOUNT!!!  This is important because I want to have your information in case you forget it. 

8th hour:

Those in this hour will continue with practicing and learning new keys.  We have already added the H, E, I, and R to the home row; today we will add the letter-keys O (R3) and T (L1).

For tomorrow, you can bring your cell phone to school to help with setting up a Google account.  Leave your cell phone in your locker in either "OFF" or "vibrate" mode - you can bring them to this class when the time comes.  

Tuesday, August 21

Google Accounts/New keys

Today, those in 3rd and 4th hour will create their Google account.  Once you are done creating your account please take your cell phone back to your locker - make sure that it is in vibrate or off mode.  After creating your new Google account, and if we have enough time, we are going to add a new contact - Mr. Pardoe (  Here is a screenshot of where you go to create a new contact:

Before you leave I need your email address and your password to your email account.  YOU MUST MAKE SURE TO WRITE THIS INFORMATION DOWN EXACTLY AS YOU ENTERED IT WHEN YOU CREATED YOUR ACCOUNT!!!

Those in other hours will continue with practicing and learning new keys.  We have already added the H and the E to the keys that we know from the home row; today we will add the letter-keys I (R2) and R (L1).

For tomorrow, anyone in 6th and 7th hour can bring their cell phone to school to help with setting up a Google account.  Leave your cell phone in your locker in either "OFF" or "vibrate" mode - you can bring them to this class when the time comes.

Monday, August 20

First full week of school

This will be a busy week in Computer Applications.  We will accomplish several things, so if you are gone you may need to see me before or after school to get caught up.  Here are some of the things we are going to achieve by the end of the week:
  1. You will have learned over 1/3 of the letters on the keyboard, and may be closer to 1/2 of all of the letters.  We will continue to practice what we have already learned and we will be adding several new keys to what we already know.
  2. You will continue to practice your keying technique.  Several things to keep in mind while keying:
    1. Keep your palms and wrists off the counter top; your fingers are the only thing that should be touching the keyboard/countertop area
    2. Your forearms should NOT! be resting on your thighs.  Relax your shoulders, sit back in your chair, and sit up straight.
    3. To help you stay comfortable, your elbows should be at your side (or maybe slightly in front of your ribs); elbows are bent at almost a 90 degree angle; the distance from your elbows to your hands should be the distance you sit away from the keyboard.
  3. You will be graded on technique
  4. You will create a Gmail account.  If you are gone on the day we set up your class you will definitely need to see me (not all classes will get set up on the same day).  If you can bring your cell phone to school this week (and keep it in your locker and on vibrate) it will be very helpful - if you don't have one you can borrow from a friend. When signing up for a Google account you will be asked to verify information - this will be done by text messaging.  
  5. You will receive a list of all of the vocab words for this semester (116 vocab words).  We will discuss how the vocab works later this week and at the beginning of next week.  Next week you will have your first vocab quiz over List #1.
Today we are going to review the home row from last week, and then we will add the H (R1) and the E (L2) to what we have already learned.  

Friday, August 17

Keyboarding beginning

  1. Begin learning the keyboard. 
    1. We will begin discussing proper technique from the book; what you will be graded on is embedded below.  This is called a Technique sheet - you will become very familiar with these.
    2. Home Row consists of the following keys:  A S D F       J K L ;
  2. Proper practice is essential to improvement.  Think long-term...don't worry about typing fast today...learn how to do the skills correct today so you can build the proper foundation for keying fast later.  I GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTION, YOU WILL BE BETTER AT KEYING WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS CLASS THAN YOU ARE TODAY!!

Thursday, August 16

Day 2...making progress!

  1. Student handbook - we will cover the School District's Electronic Network Access Policy today. This is something you have already agreed to; my guess is that you have not read through the policy to know what you are agreeing to follow.  Therefore, we will quickly cover the major points of the policy so that you know what is and is not acceptable.  To get to the policy click on this link:  Network policy
  2. Speedskins - students love these!! (nothing like sarcasm)  These orange, plastic "skins" cover the keys so that you can't look at the keyboard while you are typing.  When you are keying you should keep your eyes on what you are typing rather than on the keyboard - these help you to do that.  These will stay on your keyboard the entire time while you are learning to key.  On the back on each Speedskin is a number in corresponds to the number of computer you are using so please keep the correct Speedskin at the correct station
    1. Remember, learning to key is a skill.  Practice is essential to improving when performing a skill, but you must practice correctly!  

      Wednesday, August 15

      Welcome to Computer Applications!

      Welcome back!  I hope your summer break was refreshing and enjoyable!

      Welcome back, and welcome to Computer Applications!  Today we are going to talk about a variety of introductory items that are important for this class.  There are going to be many applications of computers and computer knowledge that you are going to learn this semester.  Some are going to be very challenging, others are going to be fun, but most importantly all of you are going to walk out of this class at the end of May with a trunkful of knowledge.

      To give you an idea of what you will be learning and doing this semester, here is a list of some of the things that we will be doing this semester:
      1. Learn to key using the correct fingers on the correct keys
      2. Learn to format in Microsoft Word
      3. Learn to format in Microsoft Excel
      4. Create a blog
      5. Create an email account in Google (if you already have one, you're one step ahead of the game!)
      6. Learn how to correctly send emails
      7. Learn Internet Safety
      8. Create a podcast
      9. Participate in classroom discussions that occur only online
      10. Create an avatar (for some, learn what an avatar is!)
      11. Learn how computer programmers think
      12. Use a wiki page
      There will undoubtedly be other things that we will accomplish, but this list should give you an idea of the variety of things that we do in here.

      You should have a thumb/flash/USB drive that you will be using in this class (those in Design & Tech will also be using it in that class...don't lose it!).  This will be something that you will not need right away, but eventually it will be an important part of the class.

      For today, we are going to start with learning about the room and the computer.  This week, and into next week we will be creating your Google account so that we can move forward with many of the things that we listed above.  

      I also want to let you know that you will be having regular vocabulary quizzes in here.  There are 10 lists of words that will be covered.  Those lists include topics like The Internet, Software, Hardware, Multimedia/Graphics, and others.  More on this later (there will not be a vocab list this week or next week).

      For this class, I grade on a point basis which means each assignment is given a point value.  For example, an assignment may be worth 10 points.  If you get 8 points on the assignment in Skyward I'm going to enter 8.  For those of you who prefer percentages - sorry, I just have never entered my grades that way.  If you want to figure out your percentage you can take the number of points you get on an assignment and divide by the number of points possible (8/10 = 80%, a C).  Here is the breakdown for the First Quarter:

      Technique = 25% of your overall grade
      Assignments = 35%
      Quizzes = 25%
      Timed writing (some call this a speed test) = 10% 

      These are "guesstimates" - they may change slightly by the time the end of the quarter rolls around, but you should be able to use these as a guideline.

      Ok, let's get started with Computer Applications!