Tuesday, March 19

New symbol keys; keypad keys

We are going to learn the last of the symbol keys today.  There are 3, and they are as follows:

  1. equal sign (=) - R4; used in mathematical calculations to show equality
  2. underline or underscore (_) - left shift + R4; it is more commonly referred to now as the underscore because we use the underline button in Word to underline text; many people may use this as part of an email address, twitter handle, or some other online username
  3. backslash (\) - R4; used mostly to write computer subdirectories when explaining where a file can be found on a computer - for example C:\MacintoshHD\User\JSmith\CompApps\practice.docx
After learning these last 3 symbol keys we will begin with the learning the numbers on the keypad.  To learn these you will be given a handout, and then you will need to type the information in Excel.  When entering the information from the handout, go drill by drill - in other words type the information in Drill 1, columns A through F, then Drill 2, columns A through F, and so on.  

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