Friday, November 21

Vocab Quiz #8; finish missing work; Word It puzzles

You'll be given a few minutes to review before we take the vocab quiz...use it wisely!

Once you complete the vocab quiz you have several options:

  1. complete FA11 and send it to me via email
  2. complete any missing work - if you need to go to Skyward to check to see what's missing that's fine, but do so quickly; I will be reading off everyone who has submitted old assignments (FA 9, 10 and 11) so you know if those have been received
  3. if you don't have any missing work I have some Word It puzzles that you can do for fun; you may work on these with a partner if you wish, but there will only be groups of 2; I'll give you the answers after you've had time to work on them for a while
  4. if you'd rather go to the practice websites that is perfectly ok...but you must have your speed skin on your keyboard!

Thursday, November 20

Embed; complete FA11

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow you will be taking Quiz #8 over the technical terms on the vocab lists.  Please prepare accordingly.

Today we are going to look at a couple of the vocab words for this week:  BYTE, GB (GIGABYTE), and EMBED.  To better understand EMBED we are going to watch the video below:

Wednesday, November 19


Today we are going to start with learning about Excel.  In that vein, we will also begin working on FA11, which is embedded below.

Activity 11.pdf

Tuesday, November 18

Cache video; complete FA10; vocab definitions

The below video will explain what your computer's cache is.

As another reminder, remember that if you have definitions for week 8 those need to be completed by tonight.  If you are not done with yours you may want to come in during lunch recess or 7th hour.

You'll have time to complete FA10 today in class.  Once you get done with FA10, if you have any missing assignments you should work on those.  If you do not have any missing assignments then you can go to the practice websites if you are not going to do the bracket competition today (the sheets will be handed to you if you are going to be doing the competition today).

As a note regarding FA9...I started grading those yesterday, and each one takes several minutes to grade, so it is completely likely that it may take me the rest of the week to get all 5 class periods graded.  Those take a long time to grade, so if you haven't submitted your FA9 yet you should do that ASAP to avoid losing points for turning it in late.

Monday, November 17

Vocab week #8; FA10

This is a vocab week, so if you have definitions for week #8 those need to be posted on the wiki spaces page by Tuesday night.  Here is a video on what a Firewall is:

We are getting down to the nitty gritty here at the end of the semester.  We will start working on FA10 today, and once we get done with FA10 we will move on to formatting activities using Microsoft Excel, and will have FA11 due towards the end of the week.  Once we return from Thanksgiving break we will continue our work in Excel for a period of time before we end the semester with a large Word formatting activity in which you will be creating a pizza menu - it will be challenging but fun!

Below are the instructions for FA10:

Activity 10.pdf

Friday, November 14

Crossword puzzle 1-7 due today

You need to hand in your crossword puzzle - please make sure that you have written your name at the top.

Your priorities for today are as follows:

  1. Complete 3 of the timed writings on the Free Typing Game website.  Choose a different one of the Classic Tales (#26 - #35) stories to complete for each of the timed writings you do.  Write your best score on the sheet on the wall.
  2. Complete test #25 - that's the 10-key lesson test - you'll use your keypad to complete this.  It's been a while since we've worked on these so this will be a good review.
  3. Complete any missing work during class.  Check the pages on the wall - if you get anything done it might be wise to cross it off so you aren't confused the next time you look at the sheet on the wall (I can give you a Sharpie if you would like one).
  4. If you do not have any missing assignments you can go to the practice websites.  I will be selecting individuals to compete in the bracket competition.  We have several individual competitions that need to get completed to get brackets updated.
  5. If you have not yet posted definitions to the wiki spaces page for next week now would be a good time to get that done.  I don't normally offer class time, but I'll allow it since I'm in a good mood today  :-)

Thursday, November 13

Complete and submit FA9; crossword puzzle due tomorrow

You will have the hour to complete FA9.  Once you are done it should be emailed to me.

Alos don't forget that the crossword puzzle is due tomorrow.

There are new missing assignment sheets posted on the wall - take a look.  We had an extraordinary amount of people NOT hand in FA8 for whatever reason.  If you are done with FA9 you should be working on any missing assignments you have.

Along these same lines, and also regarding FA8, there were many students who either sent me a link to their blog but didn't send me a Word document attached to their email, or who don't have their blog URL in their Gmail signature and did send me the Word document as an attachment.  You had to have both (URL to your blog and Word document attached) in order to get full credit.  I would highly recommend that you check your Gmail to see if this situation applies to you.  AND...if you don't have your URL as part of your signature you should get that done (we did that in class as a group).

If you are done with FA9 and you have no missing assignments I might have you complete the bracket challenge - it will depend on who you are competing against and where you are in the bracket.  If you are not working on the bracket challenge you can go to the practice websites - your speed skin must be on your keyboard!

Wednesday, November 12

Complete FA9

Today you will work on completing FA9 - the instructions are on Monday's blog post.  If you need to print out the instructions you may do so.

Don't forget that the crossword puzzle is due Friday - if you are done and want to hand that in early that is perfectly ok.

Also, next week is vocab list #8.  If you have any vocab definitions for next week you need to start planning on getting those done as soon as possible.  Even though they aren't due until next Tuesday getting them done now would be wise.

Monday, November 10

Vocab definitions; Crossword puzzle; FA9

There is no vocab quiz this week, so we will be having a crossword puzzle that I will hand out today. There will be vocab quiz #8 next week so if you have not yet posted any definitions for list #8 please get that completed as soon as possible (you have all day tomorrow - no excuses!).

Today we are going to start learning about inserting shapes into Word.  There are several different styles of shapes, and there are also many cool ways to format the shapes that you can insert.  We also will learn to insert WordArt, which is a uniquely formatted way to enter text into a document.

Activity 9.pdf

Thursday, November 6

SLC conference folder covers

Today we are going to spend the hour working on the SLC Computer Apps sheet, and creating a SLC folder cover.

The Computer Apps folder sheet is green, and it needs to be filled out.  I will be handing out your crossword puzzle from last week so that you can use it for a portfolio example; you could also print out any of the vocab quizzes we have taken, or if you have any of your formatting activities you could also print them out as a portfolio example.

Here are the things that I want you to include on the folder cover:

At the top include the day and time of your conference.  Create this in a large sized font.

Next, you can include 2 images in your document.  These images should reflect one of three things:  something that you like about school (lunch or lunch recess do not count), challenges that school presents on a daily basis, or hobbies you have. You can only have one of each of the three different areas.

Once you print out the cover you can tape it to the manila folder.

Wednesday, November 5

Top Level Domains; HTML; IP Address

We are going to cover several of the items on the vocab list in today's class.  Top Level Domains, or TLD's, are the ending part of a web address (.com, .edu, .net, .org).

HTML - this is the code that webpages are written in

IP Address - Internet Protocol address - this is the series of 4 numbers that shows your location on the Internet.  If you want to know what your IP address is you can go to  Anyone who brings me their IP address via picture on their phone tomorrow will get extra credit.

After covering this information we are going to work to finish FA8.  We are not working very hard in class, and I can tell because as I look around the room at the times that everyone is posting to the speed test posters that we should easily be getting these formatting activities done quicker than what it is taking us.

So, those who aren't done yet will work to get their FA8 done.  If you are done and you have a missing assignment you should work on it.  If you don't have any missing assignments and you do have a competition that can be completed we'll do that.  For those others you can go to the practice websites.

Tuesday, November 4

Modify Google signature; Complete FA8

We are going to start by modifying your Google signature, so you'll need to log into your Google account to begin with.  As I went through the day yesterday I began to realize that instead of having problems with people copying the wrong web address we can just make a permanent change to your signature by adding a link to your your blog in your signature.

Once we get done with that you will have the rest of the class period to complete FA8.  This should be emailed.  Make sure that you attach a Microsoft Word file (not a Google Doc), and you will be working with your speed skin on your keyboard.

Monday, November 3

Week of vocab list #7 (Internet #3); FA8

This is another vocab list week - this week is list #7, which is Internet #3.  As usual, if you have definitions that you are responsible for they need to be posted on the Wiki spaces page by Tuesday night.

Today we are going to start working on FA8.  This has several components to it.  First, you'll be typing a summary of your favorite movie in Word.  The formatting end of it will require you to learn to use the word count feature (very easy to do) in Microsoft Word, and you also will be double spacing your text.

After completing the summary you will post your summary on your blog, and in addition to posting it on your blog you will also be inserting an image on your blog that is related to your movie.  This will also be covered today in class so that you can complete that part of the formatting activity.  This will be due at the end of class on Tuesday.

Activity 8.pdf