Sunday, September 29

Internet Safety video; work on project


After watching the above video you will be given time to work with your partner on your Internet Safety project.  Please make sure you are working towards completing your project by this Friday.

Additionally, believe it or not the 1st Quarter is quickly coming to a close.  Next Friday, October 11th, is the last day of the 1st Quarter.  I would highly recommend that you get any missing work submitted (not just in my class but all classes) so you can avoid having zeroes as part of your averaged grade.  As we have already talked about - zeroes kill your average!

Friday, September 27

Vocab quiz #4; Internet Safety project

Today we will take vocab quiz #4.  I have to admit I was extremely disappointed with the number of individuals who did not post their definitions to the wikispaces page.  Remember, this is a graded activity, and you cannot make up the points you miss if you don't post your words.  Everyone knows what words they have and what week their words need to be posted - it should just be a simple matter of you posting them.

After the quiz today we will go through a few things on Go Animate, then you'll have time to work with your partner on your Internet Safety project.

Thursday, September 26

Internet Safety; Go Animate!


Copy and paste vs. cut and paste
Software vs. program
File extensions

I will also be taking some time today to show you how to use Go Animate! - the website you will be using to create your video.  The important thing with the website is that you remember that you are working with a deadline - if you spend all of your time playing with all of the different possibilities on the website you're going to end up not getting your project done on time.  I understand the want to look at all of the different possibilities that are available, because the website is really cool - just remember you're working on a project here.

Wednesday, September 25

Internet Safety video; Learn 3, 6, and 2; vocab posting; research

Staying Safe Online:

We will learn the 3 (L2), the 6 (R1), and the 2 (L3) on the keyboard today.  After this we will be done with learning numbers on the alpha-numeric part of the keyboard - yeah!

You will be doing more research today for your Internet Safety video project.  I will try to have a short demonstration ready for how to use the website that we will use for the video creation by tomorrow.

Lastly, if you have vocab words you need to define those must be posted on the Wikispaces page by tonight - please make sure to get this done!

Tuesday, September 24

Numbers 5 & 7; working on Internet Safety project

Before we begin working on our Internet Safety project today, we are going to continue with learning the numbers on the keyboard.  Today we are going to learn the 5 (L1) and the 7 (R1).  If you turn to page 30 we'll start with a warmup of the other numbers we've already learned before we learn these two new numbers.

After the numbers you'll be given time to get with your partner and start researching for your Internet Safety project.  Unfortunately, as I found out this morning, Xtranormal is no longer an active website.  So, I've got another website that will work but I want to go through that website to see how it is different and if it will work for us.

Monday, September 23

Vocab quiz; Internet Safety project

We will begin with taking several minutes to review for the vocab quiz (Vocab Quiz #3 - Windows). After reviewing we will take the quiz.

Then, we will begin working on our Internet Safety project project by joining another website - this one is called Xtranormal. Here is an example of what Geico has done, using Xtranormal, to create a TV advertisement:

You will be working with a partner to complete this project, so the first priority will be to find someone you trust to work with.  Groups must consist of only 2 people!

As a group you will be researching information on Internet Safety.  You may use Google to do your research, or you may use the many websites that are on the Internet Safety page on the class blog.  You will need to compile your information with your partner, and then you will create a story/animated movie using Xtranormal that will explain what you have learned about Internet Safety.

Wednesday, September 18

Learn numbers 8 and 1

Today we begin learning the numbers on the alpha-numeric part of the keyboard.  These require long reaches from all fingers...thus using proper technique will be very important!  Today's lesson has us learning the 8 (R2) and the 1 (L4).

As a reminder, anyone who is responsible for defining words on the wiki spaces page needs to get that done by tonight!

Tuesday, September 17

Learn CAPS LOCK, question mark, TAB, apostrophe, hyphen, and quotation marks

Today we are going to try and get through 6 new keys.  Normally we wouldn't try to do so much in one day, but since all of these keys are keys that don't get used very often I feel like we can get them done in one day without losing a lot long term.  All of these keys will be keyed with the little fingers - two will require the use of the left shift key.

CAPS LOCK - used to key a series of capital letters (remember, the shift keys are used to key a single capital letter - there is a difference!)

? (question mark) - used at the end of a sentence asking a question (space twice after the question mark)

TAB (L4) - used to move the cursor to a preset position on the line of writing (hit your tab key - you'll see that your cursor moves 5 spaces to the right every time you hit it - that is the preset position)

APOSTROPHE - used to make contractions, such as it's, you're, we're, and so on.

HYPHEN - used to hyphenate words

QUOTATION MARKS - used to mark the beginning and ending of a quote

Monday, September 16

Review all keys; Vocab list #3

**REMINDER - if you are responsible for defining vocab words on the wikispaces page you should do that no later than Wednesday night!!


Today you are going to review all of the keys that you have learned so far by typing lines 1-10 in Lesson 7C, page 15.  After completing those lines then you need to type lines 1-6 in Lesson 7D, page 16.  When keying the colon, use the left shift key + R4 on the semicolon key.  You should space twice after a colon.

After completing those lines turn to page 17 and type lines 1-6 on Lesson 8B once.  Use your L4 finger on the Caps Lock key, and use the left shift key + R4 for the question mark - again make sure to space twice after the question mark just as you did with the colon.

When you have completed this please raise your hand before moving on so the sub can check your work.

After completing the lines listed above, you may go to the following website and continue to practice the keyboard:

Free online typing games

Friday, September 13

Vocab quiz #2 (Hardware #2); learn Z and colon

We'll take a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review for the vocab quiz.  After completing the quiz, you need to do the following:

Go to the Free Typing Game website and choose Lesson 16 - complete the lesson TWICE!.  After completing the lesson click on the orange Test tab at the top.  Choose one of the tests from #26 - #30.  Complete the test, then raise your hand so I can come and check out your results.

After you complete the test you may go to the games and play any of the games on the website.

Thursday, September 12

Blind assignment; Z and colon

Today we are going to complete the blind assignment that we practiced on Tuesday.  This will be for a grade, and you will need to concentrate to do well.  This is really a reflection of how well you have been practicing using the correct fingers on the correct keys - those who do well generally are using the correct fingers while those who do poorly generally do not do well because they are not using the correct fingers.

After completing that assignment we will learn the last letter on the keyboard (yeaahh!!) - the Z (L4).  We also will be learning the colon (Left shift + R4).

Wednesday, September 11

Learn Q and comma; online practice

Today we are going to add the Q and the comma to our arsenal of keys that we know.  After learning both of these keys we will go online to review the keys we have learned - today we will go to Free Typing Games.

Tuesday, September 10

Blind assignment practice; Learn P and V

Today we will tackle the P (R4) and the V (L1).  The P will be the more difficult of the two.

Additionally we will practice what I call the blind assignment today during class.  Basically you will be read a series of words that you will need to type out (no worries for those of you who can't spell because I will be spelling all of the words).  The catch here is that you can't look at your keyboard (nothing new there - the speed skin covers it), you can't look in your book, and you can't look at your screen (oooooooh, bummer!).

Rather than explain the process here we will just go through the entire 20-word process today, and then later this week (I'm thinking Thursday) we will do this same thing for a grade.

Monday, September 9

New keys M and X; GPS video

Today we will start by watching a video on what GPS is and stands for (it's a little quirky, but they do an excellent job of explaining what GPS is).

After watching the video we will be learning two new keys - the M (R1) and the X (L3).  Both of these keys are on the bottom row of letters and thus will require that you keep your palms and wrists off of the keyboard in order to key them well.

Friday, September 6

New keys B and Y

You should have emailed me your 10 Facts About Me assignment last night at home.  If you did not do that then you will need to get that done today.  If you turn it in today you will lose 20% for turning it in late - which probably stinks but it's better than losing 50% which is what will happen if you don't turn it in today.

We will be learning the B (L1) and Y (R1) in class today.  After these 2 keys we will have learned

I also want to remind those people who are responsible for posting definitions to the wiki spaces page - those should be posted no later than next Tuesday (and if you are responsible "by next Tuesday" means before you go to bed Tuesday night).

Thursday, September 5

Email signature; 10 things about me assignment

Today you are going to submit your first assignment electronically - or in other words by email.  Before you actually send your email we are going to talk about the various components of a correct email.

There are 5 parts that you need to have with every email you send (you can have more, such as Cc or Bcc or an attachment, but you should have at a minimum all of the following):
  1. email address of the person you are sending it to
  2. subject line
  3. greeting
  4. body of the email
  5. signature
There is a proper way to enter information for each of these five components.  Let's take a look at what needs to be done for each of the five:
  1. an email address actually has 5 sub-parts to it - they are:
    1. username (whatever comes before the @ symbol)
    2. @ symbol
    3. the email server ("gmail", for example)
    4. period
    5. top level domain (or TLD) - com, org, net, etc.
  2. subject line
    1. explains to the reader of the email what the email is about
    2. not typed in all caps
  3. greeting
    1. include the name of the person you are sending the email to
    2. depending on your relationship with the individual, it may be "Dear Mr. Smith" or you might enter "James"
  4. body
    1. Write in complete sentences
    2. if you want your email to be professional, avoid texting language (LOL, OMG, etc.)
    3. spell check!!
  5. signature
    1. create a signature using features in Google
    2. eliminates having to remember to type your name at the bottom
Here is how you create a contact in Gmail:
  1. Click on "Gmail" in the top left.
  2. Choose "Contacts"
  3. Click on "New Contact"
  4. Fill in appropriate information
  5. My school email address is

10 Facts About Me Assignment:
You are going to complete your first email assignment.  This email requires you to write 10 facts about yourself, but in an interesting way.  You will need to come up with a fact about you that is related to the number you put it next to.  Here is an example:

1.  I have one sister
2.  I have golfed at the John Deere TPC twice
3.  I have 3 kids
4.  I have been to Great America- Chicago 4 times
5.  I have 5 different email addresses that I have access to.
6.  I started playing the piano at age 6.
7.  My sister's name is Janelle - it has 7 letters in her first name.
8.  I have been to Lake of the Ozarks 8 times
9.  The zip code of the town I grew up in was 80759
10.  One of the vehicles I own was built in 2010

When you are done with this assignment you will need to email it to me.

Wednesday, September 4

Review all keys learned and learn new keys

We will be reviewing our keying techniques and all the keys that we have learned so far during class today.

Also, 1st and 2nd hour got a chance to learn the U and the C, while 3rd, 5th, and 6th hours did not get that done.  We will review the U and the C for 1st and 2nd hour, and then 3rd, 5th, and 6th hours will learn those 2 keys.

On top of that we will also introduce the W (L3) and the Right Shift key (R4).

Tuesday, September 3

Back to work after Labor Day

I hope everyone enjoyed their last bit of summer over the Labor Day weekend!  We usually recognize Labor Day as the unofficial last weekend of summer - now it's time to prepare for fall and everything that comes with it.

Today we are going to do several things.  First, I want to show you how to bookmark several websites so you don't have to continually type in their addresses.  Then after we complete that I will show you how to print a Google Doc (exactly like printing a regular document) - you will then print out your work that you completed on Friday during class.

Lastly we are going to learn two new keys today, and they are the U (R1) and the C (L2).  The U will be an easy key to learn, but the C will require good technique and will probably take some getting used to before you feel comfortable typing it.

As a reminder there is no vocab list this week, but if you are scheduled to post definitions to the wiki spaces page you can do that anytime between now and next Tuesday.