Tuesday, September 17

Learn CAPS LOCK, question mark, TAB, apostrophe, hyphen, and quotation marks

Today we are going to try and get through 6 new keys.  Normally we wouldn't try to do so much in one day, but since all of these keys are keys that don't get used very often I feel like we can get them done in one day without losing a lot long term.  All of these keys will be keyed with the little fingers - two will require the use of the left shift key.

CAPS LOCK - used to key a series of capital letters (remember, the shift keys are used to key a single capital letter - there is a difference!)

? (question mark) - used at the end of a sentence asking a question (space twice after the question mark)

TAB (L4) - used to move the cursor to a preset position on the line of writing (hit your tab key - you'll see that your cursor moves 5 spaces to the right every time you hit it - that is the preset position)

APOSTROPHE - used to make contractions, such as it's, you're, we're, and so on.

HYPHEN - used to hyphenate words

QUOTATION MARKS - used to mark the beginning and ending of a quote

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