Thursday, January 26

Classmarker and Edmodo

Xtranormal videos - I will grade them as soon as I can.  I don't make any promises in terms of when I will get yours done, but as soon as I get them graded they will show up in Skyward.  I would expect sometime next week to have them all completed.  Realize that it takes time to watch ALL of them - I simply ask for your patience!

At this point, I'm sure you're tired of signing up for new websites, but we still have two more websites that we'll be using frequently and I'd like to just get them out of the way today so we have it all done and over with.  Those two websites are Classmarker and Edmodo.  We use Classmarker to take all of our quizzes on - it is an online quiz website that hosts all of the quizzes that we take for vocabulary, plus a couple of other things that we will be doing in class.  Edmodo is much like Facebook, only for educational purposes.  However, we will NOT be using it to update our friends with what we are doing; instead Edmodo will be used to discuss what we cover in class.  In other words, we will have online discussions about topics we cover in class.

For Classmarker, I'll give you the details of your username and password, but they are fairly easy to remember, and the process for signing up is relatively easy.  The sign-up process for Edmodo is a little more complicated, but is not difficult.

After completing these two things today we'll go over a technique sheet, how you will be graded, and the process that is used when we have technique grades.

Once we complete this information we will again be working on learning new keys.  Most of you did not get an opportunity yesterday to work on the Left Shift key and the period.  That information is below, and is what we will be working on in class today:

  1. For the Left Shift Key, you will use your left little finger. only use the shift keys to type capital letters with the opposite hand.  So, the left shift key is used to type capital letters on the right side of the keyboard, like the J, K or N.  The process works like this - reach and hold down the shift key with your little finger, type the key you are capitalizing with the right hand, then continue keying.  There should not be any pausing after typing a capital letter.
  2. The period is on the right side of the keyboard, and you are going to use your right ring finger (or right 3rd finger).  You should space twice after a period at the end of a sentence, space once after an abbreviation, and don't space after a period within an abbreviation (for example, there is no space after the first period in "J.D. Drew").

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