Monday, September 26

Monday, Sept. 26

I hope you enjoyed your weekend!  Hopefully you are fully rested - we have another busy week in class!

First, we need to finish Formatting Activity 1 in class today.  You will need to save it to your account, and then you will attach it to an email and send it to me through your gmail account.  I will have to show you in class how to attach a file to an email - it's pretty easy so it won't take long.  This is due at the end of the hour today!  

Once you have completed the formatting activity you need to practice and review for tomorrow's blind assignment.  As I have said before, this is one of the more difficult assignments for many students.  When you are practicing, use all of the correct fingers and try to avoid looking at your screen (you are certainly welcome to move your document off your screen [Apple+F3] while you practice).  Type every line on p. 14 once (in Microsoft Word) for practice.  If you get done with typing this page, you can go to the following website and practice on the lessons there:  Free typing games.  Make sure that you select lessons of letters and keys that we have already learned.

Normally I will not allow you to do this, but if you are missing an assignment (check the board on the west wall in the room) you should skip the practice and complete what you don't have done.

The vocab list for this week is all about Windows - if you are scheduled to post definitions then you should get yours posted by Wednesday of this week.  If you do not post your definitions as required you will not earn points (as labeled in Skyward as "Vocab definitions" (this is worth 10 points, so each time you fail to do your part you lose 3 points; if you fail to do all 3 weeks you'll lose all 10 points).  Below is the list of people who should be posting definitions this week:

3rd hour - Katherine B, Jacob G, Brooke L, Alexis P, Elizabeth P
4th hour - Savanna A, Benett E, Cayson F, Grace M, Kelsey O, Shelby W
6th hour - Dalton C, Lindy C, Mackenzie K, Katelyn M, Camarie M, Kimber M
7th hour - Christos A, Scott F, Elliott M, Cassandra T, Logan W
8th hour - Dylan D, Nikolas F, Jacob H, Davyen M, Paige S

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