Friday, September 2

Friday, September 2

  1. The first thing we will accomplish today is completing the "Correct Fingers" assignment at Classmarker. I will have to give you your username and password - so this is again another username and password that you will have to remember.   Therefore, we will use Google docs after we are done with the assignment to create a password "account".
  2. Google Docs - this is a great place you can use to save all your passwords for the various different websites that you will register for.  This is not something that you have to do, but as I will show you it is a great way to store your passwords.  What I really like is that I can access this anywhere there is an Internet connection - including using a smartphone if you have one. (the below picture is a link - when you click on it it will open in a new window)
  3. Here are several websites that you can use to create a password. These are convenient if you just want a quick solution to a password - or if you're just tired of trying to think of a clever password!
  4. Password BirdPass Plex Password Generator Strong Password Generator
  5. The rest of the day will be used practicing the keys we have learned.  Here are the websites that you can use to practice (and you can also obviously use these at home if you wish to):
  6. Free Typing GamesFree Online Typing Games - online tutor Power Typing lessons Typing Web tutor

All of these websites are located on the Website Resources page on the blog- therefore they are available for you to use at home if you need to practice.

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