Wednesday, April 10

Alice - space project; practice timed writings

Today we are going to cover the different domain names possible on the Internet.  Several are included with this week's vocabulary quiz (the ones included on the vocabulary quiz are the 4 most commonly used domains on the Internet), but there are many others that you may not see very often.

After discussing the Internet domain names you will have time to work on your Alice project.

If you complete the Alice project I want you to go to the Free Typing Games website and practice your timed writings.  However, this time I want you to work on your 3-minute timed writings instead of the 1-minute timed writings we completed for a grade last time.  You can use any of the Classic Tales, 26-35, to practice your speed tests.  You are not working on just completing one speed test - you are practicing your timed writings until the end of the hour.

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