Wednesday, February 29

Review numbers

To begin today we are going to review all of the numbers that we went through yesterday.
  1. Start by typing 14B, lines 1-4 on p. 31 once.  
  2. Then move to 14D, lines 1-8, p. 32 once.
If you get these done, there is a handout that you need to type (the handout is in a folder labeled "crazy facts" by the printer).  If you get this done, raise your hand and I will come look at what you have typed.  I will have something else for you to do.

Today will be one of the exception days - if you have not posted your definition to Wikispaces you need to do that in class today after you complete steps 1 and 2 above.  Confer with your group to make sure that there is not more than one person entering information at the same time.

Tuesday, February 28

Logo Exercise #2; Number keys; Netiquette

Shape #3:
FD 100 RT 120
FD 100 RT 120
FD 100 RT 120

Shape #5:
RT 10 
FD 100 RT 80 
FD 60 RT 80
FD 100 RT 100
FD 100 RT 90

Shape #6:
FD 50 RT 100
FD 100 RT 125
FD 30 RT 45
FD 70 RT 90

Shape #8:
FD 70 RT 72
FD 70 RT 72
FD 70 RT 72
FD 70 RT 72
FD 70 RT 72

Shape #10:
RT 30
FD 60 RT 60
FD 60 RT 60
FD 60 RT 60
FD 60 RT 60
FD 60 RT 60
FD 60 RT 60

Today we are going to go back to the book and review the first 5 numbers that we have already learned, and add in the rest of the numbers.  Tomorrow we will be doing a Correct Fingers assignment in class - this correct fingers assignment will cover everything we have learned up to this point, including symbols and numbers.

If you have not yet defined and entered your definitions on the Wikispaces page please do that by the end of the day today.  

Monday, February 27

Logo Exercise 2 and Practice #1

As a reminder, there will be a vocab quiz this week.  We are on Week #5 - the list is "Internet #1".  Your definitions should be posted by Tuesday night.  I am sharing a video about Netiquette (a term most of you probably are not familiar with).  This should help you understand what that means.

Today you need to finish your Exercise #2 sheet that we started on Friday (this is the sheet that you needed to write out the Logo directions for #'s 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10).  You will have the rest of the our to complete these - I will show you the correct answers tomorrow.

If you are done with the Exercise #2 sheet, grab a Practice #1 sheet and create the Logo instructions to draw the 6 shapes that are listed on that sheet.  Mark the starting point with a dot and start and stop in the zero heading at the same point (where the dot is).  You can complete all of these shapes using only the FD, BK, RT, and LT commands.

Once you have completed this you need to open Microsoft Word, turn to page 29 in your book, and type lines 1-7 once on 13B.  In addition, turn to page 30, and type 13C, lines 1-6 once.  Lastly, type lines 1-8 once on 13D.

Friday, February 24

Reflection #6; Logo; Crossword Puzzle due today!

Hand in your crossword puzzle for a grade - make sure your name is on it!

Today we will begin with checking the Logo handout that I gave you yesterday.  This will not be for a grade, but it is important that we check to make sure that you did these correctly.  Again, you should have the opposite turn (for a RT the opposite turn would be LT, and vice versa); then to find the angle of the turn you need to subtract the angle listed from 360.

A couple of additional and important pieces of information are as follows:  the sum of the interior angles of a triangle equal 180 degrees, and the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral equal 360 degrees. This is important to know as you create your "Total Turtle Trip" in drawing your shape!
The next handout will be your assignment, which you will work on today and Monday in class (you may work with the people sitting near you - but no moving seats).  In this handout, you will be given several shapes in which you must give Logo instructions on how to draw the shape.  If you want to open and use Logo on your computer to help you draw the shapes that is perfectly OK! 

On the handout that I will give you in class, we will go through #1 and #7 as a class.  Your assignment will be to complete the instructions for shapes #3, #5, #6, #8, and #10.  

Also, today you will be entering your reflection on your Journal page on your blog.  This is week #7, and we covered learning how to set tabs, Logo programming, an Edmodo post, and the crossword that is due today.  We will talk about Logo first, then complete the reflection, then work on the Logo Exercise 2 handout.

Thursday, February 23

Logo - a programming language; crossword puzzle

You can turn your crossword puzzle in today if you have it completed.  However, it is not due until the beginning of class tomorrow.  Also, if you have not completed your discussion on Edmodo I highly encourage you to get that done as soon as you can.  Both of these are homework assignments, which means that you will complete them outside of class.  As usual, you are welcome to come in before school, during lunch recess, during REAL time (if you have it), or stay after school if you need time to get it done. 


Logo is a computer programming language created at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and is designed to give individuals an introduction into computer programming.  What you are going to learn with Logo is how a computer programmer thinks abstractly and sequentially in order to get their program to run correctly.  We will NOT be creating a program as you know it (however, we will be using Logo to create what I call "mini-programs" that will challenge you to understand the nature of what a computer programmer goes through in designing software).  


You can use these 4 primitives to move Logo (your turtle, but it actually looks like a triangle on your screen) by typing in FORWARD or BACK followed by a number that you want your turtle to move.  Actually, you can give Logo multiple commands.  RIGHT and LEFT tell Logo to turn; when you follow these commands with a number, the number you type in tells Logo what degrees to turn.  For example, if I type in "RIGHT 75" (don't use quotes!) Logo will turn 75 degrees to the right.  Get it??!!  Alright, now it's your turn.  See if you can create a square!

In addition to those 4 primitives that help to move your turtle, here are several others that will be useful to you while using Logo:


After creating a design in Logo, you'll probably want to get rid of it on your screen so that you can move on and do what's next.  That's what the CLEARSCREEN command does - it clears the screen.  Typing in HOME moves your turtle back to the starting point and points it "up" on the screen.  HIDETURTLE - should be self explanatory, as should SHOWTURTLE.  The PENUP command allows you to move Logo on your screen without drawing any lines.  PENDOWN is used after you have used the PENUP command (PENDOWN is actually how Logo starts when you bring up the program).  You may want to try these commands to see how they work.

After creating a square, see if you can create other shapes - triangles, rectangles, circles, hexagon etc.

Wednesday, February 22

Finish FA4; New symbol keys

Your speedskin should be on your keyboard at all times!

Today you will have the entire hour to complete FA4 - it is due at the end of the hour.  It shouldn't take that long with the time that you had yesterday in class.  The instructions ask you to email me your assignment - please make sure you do so WITH! a subject line in your email.

Once you get done with the Formatting Activity I want you to open your book to page 29.  Today you will start with learning the numbers across the top of the keyboard.  You are going to learn the 8 (R3), 1 (L4), 9 (R3), 4 (L1), and 0 (R4).  Here is what you should type:
  1. P. 29, 13A, lines 1-3 once
  2. P. 29, 13B, lines 1-7 once
  3. P. 30, 13D, lines 1-8 once
  4. P. 30, 13C, lines 1-6 once 
  5. P. 26, all lines on the whole page once (yes, this is out of order, but it is the way I want it done)
Homework reminders:
  • Your Edmodo discussion assignment is due Sunday
  • The crossword puzzle is due at the beginning of class on Friday.  You may turn it in at any point between now and then.

Tuesday, February 21

Learning to use tabs; crossword puzzle; Edmodo

Due to the short week we will not be having a vocab list week.  HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that if you are responsible for vocab words for next week (which is Week #5 - Internet #1) that you can't go ahead and post your definitions.  This means that a group leader will have to contact his/her teammates this week in order for that to happen.  So...if you are a group leader you would be doing your teammates a big favor by letting them know this week who is responsible for which words.

The crossword puzzle will be a review of the first 4 vocab lists that we have covered and it will be due on Friday at the beginning of class.

You will have another post this week in Edmodo.  As we always will do when you post in Edmodo, you need to post your original response and then post 2 replies.  Your Edmodo discussion board assignment will be due on Sunday, Feb. 26th, and your post for this week is as follows:
List one new vocab term you've learned and how, why, or in what way it will be important to you as you continue to live in a world dominated by computers.  

In class today we are going to be learning how to set tabs and use them in a document.  Once you have learned how to set tabs and to use the different types of tabs you will be completing FA4.  It will be due tomorrow at the end of the day.


Friday, February 17

Vocab Quiz #4; reflection

Today, we will accomplish several things.  First thing you need to remember - KEEP YOUR SPEEDSKIN ON YOUR KEYBOARD!
  1. Review for the vocab quiz on Wikispaces.  As I said earlier in the week, I think the easiest way to get to your vocab list is to use the link on the Vocabulary page on the blog - remember, your class hour is the link to the Wikispaces page.   Do NOT! go to Classmarker until you are told to do so.
  2. Take the vocab quiz on Classmarker.
  3. After the quiz, complete FA3 if you haven't done that yet (the instructions can be found on yesterday's blogpost).  When you are done you are to email it to me.
  4. Write your reflection on your Journal page for this week.  Please make sure this is on your Journal page - do not create a new post on your blog.
  5. Learn new keys - type all lines 1-9, 8D, P. 18 once. 
    1. Apostrophe ( ' ) - use the R4 finger
    2. Hyphen ( - ) - use the R4 finger
    3. Quotation Marks ( " ) - use left shift key + R4 finger
  6. When you complete the book work, raise your hand so I can see that you have it done.  Then, you can go to the Website Resources page and continue practicing on any of the websites there.  
  7. If you have missing work, now would be a good time to get it done.  This does not include your Edmodo assignment - it is not yet missing!

Thursday, February 16


From now on, your Speedskin should be on your keyboard at all times!  If you need to type numbers, you can use the keypad until we learn the numbers across the top of the keyboard (which will be soon).

I also want to remind you that your Edmodo posts are due by Monday.  Again, please don't wait until Monday to complete this assignment - my experience is that those who wait to do it at the last minute won't get it done.

Formatting Activity 3 will cover many of the things that you can do in a Header and a Footer.  The uses of a header or a footer can be many, and today we will cover some of the ways that a header and a footer can be used.

FA3 -

If you complete the formatting activity you can go to anyone of the practice websites that can be found on the Website Resources page on the blog.  Remember, your speedskin should be on your keyboard!

Wednesday, February 15

New keys; Powerpoint

To start off the day open up Powerpoint.  I want to quickly discuss this software so everyone has an idea of what Powerpoint is before the quiz on Friday.

Today will be another day of learning the keys on the keyboard.  As I said earlier this week, just because we are done with all of the letters does not mean we are done with learning the keyboard.  We still have quite a bit to learn - symbols, numbers, and the keypad to be specific.

Today we will review from yesterday (the Z and the : ) on page 16, and then we will introduce the Caps Lock key (L4), the Question Mark key (Left Shift key + R4), and the Tab key (L4) on page 17.

After completing this we will be going to the following website to practice:

Free Online Typing Games

Tuesday, February 14

Last letter key!

Several things for today:

  1. If you haven't posted your definition to Wikispaces, you should have that done by tonight.
  2. Your Edmodo assignment is due next Monday, but since you don't have school next Monday I would highly recommend that you get this completed as soon as possible.  If you wait until the last minute you will likely forget to do it.
  3. Vocab - what does FAQ stand for, and what is it?

We will begin our keying today with a little practice.  On page 15, type 7B all lines once, and if you get that done type all lines on 7C once.

The last letter that we need to learn is the Z.  You will use your left little finger (L4) to type it - make sure to anchor on the F with your index finger so you don't lose your spot on homerow.  In addition, today you will learn the colon; it looks like this   :   It is on the same key as the semicolon (;), but you use the left shift key along with the semicolon key to type a colon. Also, you need to space twice after a colon (you only space once after a semicolon).   

If we have time you can practice using the following websites.

Monday, February 13

File Extensions; New Keys - Q and comma

To start off this week I am going to explain to you the value of a File extension (this is one of the vocab words for this week so it has value for what we do in class as well as for the vocab quiz on Friday).  The importance of the file extension is that it tells the computer what program a file is created in; therefore when you go to open the file the computer will know which program to open your file in.  We will cover, in Microsoft Word, how to make sure that you always have a file extension when you save a document.  However, what we talk about in Word is easily transferable to other software programs as well.

What programs are these file extensions opened in?
.doc (or .docx)
.xls (or xlsx)
.ppt (or pptx)

This week is the 4th list of vocab words - SOFTWARE.  Leaders need to make sure that all of the people in their group know what words they are to define.  When you need to post your definitions to the web, my suggestion is that you go to the Vocabulary page on the blog, click on your hour above the spreadsheet that lists what weeks you have to define words, then log into Wikispaces.  Some of you seem to be having trouble logging into Wikispaces - make sure that you are using the correct username and password.  I can give you your username, but I do not have your password ( should have your information saved in a Google Doc so that you don't forget what it is).  If you forget your password you'll have to go through the password reset process (there is a link on the sign up page for you to do this).

Edmodo - we signed up for this website a couple of weeks ago, but have not done anything with this yet....until today!  Your assignment in Edmodo is to post an original response to this prompt:  Write a post about the best assignment you've had to complete so far in 7th grade in any class (either 1st semester or 2nd semester).  Give at least 2 details to help others understand why it was a great assignment in your mind.  

Any time we have an assignment in Edmodo, you will have 2 responsibilities - 1) enter an original response to the writing prompt and post it for everyone to see (after creating your response, choose your class in the box next to "Send"; and 2) respond thoughtfully to at least 2 of your classmates.  Thoughtfully means that you should make a conversation out of the discussion - find a way to get them to respond to your response.  An easy way to do this is to ask them a question, although that may not be the only way to accomplish this part.

Your Edmodo assignments will always be worth 10 points - 5 points will be for entering your original response to the writing prompt, and the other 5 points will be for thoughtfully responding to at least 2 of your classmates.  Your Edmodo assignments are generally to be finished outside of class; however there are times when you will be given permission by me to complete your Edmodo assignment in class.  If you are not given permission in class then you are not to be chatting in Edmodo.

The last part of today we will be learning the Q (L4) and the Comma (R2).

Friday, February 10

Vocab quiz #3; finish FA2; Reflection; Create an avatar

You will have several minutes at the beginning of class to review for the vocab quiz, then we will be heading to Classmarker to take the quiz.  You are not allowed to be on Classmarker until I give you permission, and when you take the quiz your vocab list on Wikispaces is not allowed to be open on your computer.

After the quiz is completed, if you still have not finished FA2 you will have as much time as you need to complete it.  It is due today, so you need to make sure that you finish before you leave.

You also must post your reflection for this week - make sure that you label it as Week 5, and it should be entered on your Journal page.  As you think about this week's activities you may want to go back through the blog posts to jog your memory about what we have done.

If you get done with both of these, then you can create an avatar.  This is not a required assignment, so this is something you can do for fun.  After you get it created you may want to upload it to Edmodo (we haven't used Edmodo yet, but will start next week).  Here are two websites that you can use to create an avatar:

Build Your Wild Self
Planet Creation

There are instructions in a video on the How To page that will help you to upload your avatar from these websites.  For the Planet Creation website you'll have to create a screenshot and then upload your screenshot to Edmodo - the process is a little easier from this website than it is from the Build Your Wild Self website.

Thursday, February 9

Video - Menu bars; FA2

Today, to start, you are going to watch the below video on several of the things that will be covered in tomorrow's vocab quiz. 

After watching the video, you will be working on Formatting Activity 2 (located below).  In this formatting activity you will be entering some favorites of yours into a document, saving your document, then making changes to the document, and resaving your document.  This assignment is very easy IF!! you follow the directions!!  The students who don't do well with this assignment are those who do not go step by step and follow all of the instructions. 

This formatting activity requires you to print out what you do (you'll have 2 pages - anything less or anything more and you've done this assignment wrong!).  Again - if you don't follow the instructions it will be hard to do this correctly.


Once you are done with the formatting activity you can go to the following website to practice - Power typing.  You will want to work on Lessons 1 thru 6 once you get to the website.  However, speedskins MUST! be on your keyboard and you must stay on the website.  If the sub looks at your screen and at the beginning of your web address it doesn't have on it then you are in the wrong place!

Wednesday, February 8

Blind assignment

Today we are going to do the blind assignment that we practiced last week.  This required you to close your book, cover your keyboard with your speedskin, and then click CTRL/F3 to move your document off of your screen so that you can't see it either.

Just as we did last week, we will go through a series of words that you will be expected to key in your Word document.  I will say each word, then spell it, then say it again and spell it again.  Once we are done, you will print out your document (this is one of the few assignments that will actually be printed out).

Before we start this assignment we will have some time to practice and review the keyboard.

Once we are done, I would like to go back to the same website that we used yesterday since we didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked on it.  Access the website here.

If you have not completed your definitions on the wikispaces vocab page you need to get that done.  I will be grading this tomorrow - if yours is not done you will not earn credit.

Tuesday, February 7

P and V

Today we will be learning the P (R4 finger) and the V (L1 finger) on the keyboard.  We will be doing that on page 14.  But first, we will start with a warmup from page 13; type all lines on 6C once.

After learning the P and the V we will be heading to a website (found here) to see how fast you can actually type.  This is not a grade, just a chance for you to see how fast you currently can type.  When you take these practice tests you want to pay attention to the "Calculated speed".  It will also ask you if you want to post your score on the leaderboard - you're welcome to if you want to!

If it is your week to define words on Wikispaces please get that done by the end of the night tonight.  Lunch recess or after school are opportunities for you to come in and get that done.

Monday, February 6

Complete Journal entry for last week; finish FA1

Today we are going to fix your problems with the journal page on your blog.  What you should have is a separate page on your blog titled "Journal".  When you first go to your blog, this is what is called your "Home" page.  Then, you should have an additional page called "Journal".  The only thing on your Journal page should be your weekly reflections.  Your home page, at least so far, should only have your Xtranormal video.

Every week when you are adding your reflection to your Journal page you will need to go to your Journal page and then click on the pencil at the bottom of the page post.  This will open up the "editor" window so that you can change, or edit, what you have on your Journal page.  Last week was Week 4, so you will want to enter that at the top of your paragraph(s) that you enter for your reflection.

After completing last week's reflection, if you have not yet finished FA1 you need to do so now.  Remember that you need to send it to me via email.  If you are unsure on how to attach a file to an email you can go to the How To page and view how to do it.

When you send an email you need to always include a subject line.  Too many of you are forgetting to do that - please remember to include that from now on when sending an email.

When you have completed that you need to open Word and start reviewing on pages 11, 12, and 13.  On page 11, type 5C, lines 1-10 once.  On page 12, type 5E, lines 1-10 once.  On page 13, type 6C, lines 1-10 once.

If you get that done, raise your hand and I will come check it.  Then you can go to the following website to practice:  TypingWeb.

If you are responsible this week for vocab words you need to have your words posted by tomorrow.  If you need to get with the people in your group do that today so that all of the group members can get their definitions posted.  Please see me if you need help!

Friday, February 3

Vocab quiz #2; FA1 due today!

1.  Review for quiz (3-5 minutes)
2.  Take vocab quiz on Classmarker (do not start until you are told to do so!)
3.  Finish FA1 - it is due today!!  Use the instructions from yesterday's blog post.  Also, if you do not know how to attach a file to your email, you can go to the "How to" page on the blog and get the instructions on how to do that.
4.  If you get done with everything, what you can do is the following in Microsoft Word:
Page 12, all lines once
Page 13, all lines once

Here is today's class schedule:

3rd hour - 9:02-9:23
4th hour - 9:26-9:44
6th hour - 9:47-10:05
7th hour - 10:08-10:25
8th hour - 10:28-10:42

Thursday, February 2

Formatting Activity 1

I will be handing out technique sheets for the next week today - you will again be graded over the next week on how well you follow the technique skills that are required in the class.

Vocabulary -
It's important that several things are happening for the vocab lists on Wikispaces:

  1. You must have the definitions to your words posted by Wednesday night.
  2. Make sure to put your name in parentheses after your definition
  3. Your definition needs to be understandable - if it is too difficult for you to understand your classmates aren't going to understand it either.
  4. If you are a weekly leader, please have your words divided up so that you can hand them out no later than on Monday of the week you are scheduled to define words.  This way your "teammates" can have their words defined by Wednesday.
  5. If you are having trouble - see me.  That's what I'm here for.  I can't help you if you don't say something about what is wrong.  Come see me before school, or during homeroom, or during lunch recess if you need me to help.  Some of you had problems logging in - I can't possibly know that without you telling me, so you have to speak up.  

Today we are going to start on our first Formatting Activity.  I will go over with you some of the information you will need to know for the activity before we start, so there should be no one working on this assignment until I am done explaining what you need to know in Word.

Formatting Activity 1

Wednesday, February 1

GPS explained; Formatting Activity 1; bookmarks

1.  Today we are going to start with learning how to bookmark a page on the Internet.  This is exactly like putting a bookmark in a book, only you are doing this online.  It is a little different depending on the browser you are using, but if you can do it on Safari you should have no problem doing it on Firefox (or for that matter Internet Explorer).

We will bookmark the following websites today:
Class blog

When you bookmark the above sites, choose the one browser (Safari or Firefox) that you will be spending your time in when you go to the Internet.

2.  After bookmarking those websites, we will be watching a video on what GPS is and how it works.

3.  Speaking of vocab - if you put a definition on your wikispaces page, and then you read the definition and you don't understand it, is anyone else going to understand what it is?  If you find it confusing more than likely so will everyone else, so you need to enter a definition that is easily understood.  If you need help modifying the definition so that it would be understandable by all please see me.

4.  We will learn the X and the M today in class.  After today, we only have 3 more letters to learn! (the Q, the P, and the Z)