Tuesday, November 6

Learning symbols; FA6

If you are responsible for defining words for this week's vocab list you need to get this done outside of class at some point today!  We still have some definitions that have not yet been posted on the wikispaces pages!

We are going to start with learning 3 symbols on the keyboard.  Many of these (but not all) require the use of the shift keys in conjunction with the number keys across the top of the keyboard.

The first symbol we are going to learn is the diagonal or slash (sometimes also referred to as the forward slash).  This symbol is on the key to the right of the period and does NOT require the use of the shift keys to type it.  Use your R4 finger to type this key.

The other 2 symbols are the $/dollar sign (L1) and the !/exclamation point (L4).

Here is what you need to type out of the book today:

P. 40, 17A, lines 1-3 (twice)
P. 40, 17B, lines 1-9 (once)

After completing the work out of the book, you are going to work on FA6.  This formatting activity is a handout, and you are going to be adding symbols into your document.  This should be a fairly easy and straight forward assignment.  To help you accomplish completing the document, all of the symbols that you are going to be inserting into your document can be found in the INSERT > SYMBOL drop down menu.  Once you open the symbol window, you will find all of the symbols that are needed either in the "normal text" category or the "symbol" category.

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