Friday, May 11

Vocab Quiz #10; Alice project; Reflection

After getting a few minutes to review for the quiz, you will go to classmarker and take Quiz #10.

Then, you need to post a reflection on your blog.  After posting the reflection, you'll need to send me an email with a link to your blog so I can read your reflections.  This will be graded!!

After completing these you can finish your Alice project.  If you are not done with your Alice project it will be due next Friday.  You can come in before school, during lunch recess, or after school next week to complete it.  I realize it has been a tough week (especially for those in the afternoon classes) with trying to get logged in and get your work done in Alice - that's why I'm giving you the additional time if you need it.  It should be completed, and emailed to me, by the end of next week.

Remember also that you can download Alice yourself on a computer you have at home (you'll need to go to to do so).  Saving your work here and then creating an email with the Alice file attached in Gmail would allow you to work on this at home if you download Alice.

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