Thursday, December 1

Creating a screenshot; Podcasting

For some reason we have too many people who are not doing their jobs when it comes to posting the definitions for the vocab words on the Wikispaces webpage.  This is an important part of the class, and when you don't do what you are asked to do it doesn't just affect you it affects everyone else in the class.  If you are responsible for defining 2-3 words you MUST get them done by Wednesday so everyone can use these to study.  This is what being part of a team is all about - you need to pull your weight and do your job so the team can be a success.  Screenshots -  this is the taking of a picture of what you have on your screen.  You can either take a screenshot (or what is sometimes also called a screen capture) of the entire screen (Command/Shift/3) or of what you select (Command/Shift/4). Inserting Clipart will be covered today in class - this is very similar to inserting objects so you should have no problems figuring this out.Today we are also going to cover how to create a podcast using Vocaroo.  Once you get to the website you are going to click on the button that says "Click to Record".  

Next, you're going to see a window that pops up and asks to have permission to your microphone - choose "Allow".  You will then immediately be able to record your podcast - when you are done, click on "Click to Stop".

Once you have clicked on that you will see some information that comes up below (shown here):
You need to copy the HTML code by first clicking in the bar where you see "<object width=...."so that it is highlighted.  Once you have it copied, you can now go to your blog to "embed" this html code into a new post.Next, open your blog and start a new post.  Click on "Edit HTML" in the top, right corner, as shown here:

Then paste your copied code into the message area of your new post.  Publish your post.  You should now have a Vocaroo icon on your blog that you can click on to start listening to your podcast!Once you have your podcast up and running, send me an email with a link to your blog so I can hear your podcast.  Here are a few websites you can use to help you decide on a speech that you can do for your podcast:
Your podcast will be due by next Wednesday, December 7.  It can be sent after school on that day, but it is due that day.  If you need time to come in here at school to complete it then please make arrangements to do so!

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