Thursday, November 3

SLC Folders, FA6

First, you'll need to get two assignments from Computer Applications and put them in your SLC folder.  If you have assignments that I have passed back and kept, you can choose from those.  Another option is to print out a vocab quiz or two from Classmarker.  Still another option is to print out one of the Correct Finger assignments we did on Classmarker.  Whatever you choose, make sure that you have 2 assignments from Computer Applications that you have in your folder and you can talk about in your SLC.  I also get to choose one assignment, and I'll choose last week's vocab quiz (Quiz #6).

Next, print out your SLC folder cover.  Staple it to your folder so the tab is on the left side as you are looking at your printout.

Do you have vocab definitions that you have not yet completed?  If so, get them done ASAP!  Also, don't forget you have a vocab quiz tomorrow!

After getting your work for the SLC folder completed you are going to be working on Formatting Activity 6.  In this activity you will be learning how to insert commonly used symbols and special characters into a Word document.  These symbols and characters have a wide range of uses - learning to use the symbols can be convenient in the right circumstances.  The instructions are embedded below, and your FA6 is due at the end of the hour Friday, Nov. 4th.  Pay special attention to instruction #4!!

Activity 6 -

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