Thursday, October 31

FA4; spam video

Don't forget that tomorrow we have a vocab quiz over list #6 - Internet #2.

Here is another video...this one will explain Spam:

We have a couple of things that I need to finish showing you regarding the setting of tabs.  Once I have completed that you will have time to work on FA4.

Activity 4 -

Wednesday, October 30

Learn 1, 2, 3, 0, and . on keypad; FA4


To start today we will complete the last part of learning the keypad - we will use another handout today to learn the 1, 2, 3, 0, and period.

After completing the keypad work we are going to learn how to set tabs in Word, and then you'll be working on FA4, which is embedded below.

Tuesday, October 29

RSS video; more keypad; FA4

As a reminder to all of you who are responsible for vocab words for this week, you need to have your words posted on the wiki spaces page by tomorrow night.    Here is a video to help you better understand what RSS is:

After watching the video we will again be working with the keypad for part of class.  Today we will add the 7, 8, and 9 to the other numbers we learned yesterday (the 4, 5, and 6).  I will have another handout for you to work with.

After completing the handout you will be working with a partner on a small in-class "project".  This won't be for a grade, but will be for keying practice.  We will be using the FreeTypingGame website first, then after that we will go to the TypeRacer website.

Monday, October 28

Learning the keypad; keyboard review

Today we are going to start to learn how to use the keypad (the set of numbers out to the right hand side of the keyboard).  To use the keypad you will only use your right hand (sorry for those of you who are left-handed).    There is a home row for the keypad - I will explain that to you today as well.

After working on the first set of numbers on the keypad we will practice the keyboard.  We will start by going to the PowerTyping website and doing Lessons 5, 6, and 10.

Once you have completed those lessons, you need to go to the Good Typing website and complete the typing speed test there.  You need to get at least 15 words per minute before you can move on to the next step.  Once you get 15 words per minute in your test, raise your hand and let me see it so I know you have completed this part of today's assignment.

Next, go to the Sense Language website and go through each of the Lessons on the website.  There are 16 of these lessons that will help you to practice your keying.

Friday, October 25

Vocab quiz #5 - Internet; finish FA3

We will take a few minutes at the beginning of the hour to review for today's vocab quiz #5.   Please do not go to Classmarker until I tell you to do so.

Once you complete the vocab quiz you may continue to work on FA3.  It is due today, so you will need to email it to me before you leave class today if you want to earn full credit.

After completing both of these I have an Internet search activity for you.  You will need to use your browser of choice and your favorite search engine to complete these questions.  You will need to copy these questions into a new Google Doc - then when you find the answer you can enter the answer in your Google Doc.  Save the document as Internet Search #1.

  1. What is President Obama’s birth date? Where was he born?
  2. What horse won the most recent Kentucky Derby? Who was the owner? Who was the jockey?
  3. What is the current population of the world? Also list the results by continent.
  4. What company recently bought Skype? What was the price?
  5. Define DSL. What alternative Internet connections are available?
  6. What is the world’s oldest university that is still in operation? When was it founded?
  7. What is the largest and smallest U.S. state by population and by area?
  8. Find three anti-spyware programs that could be used on a PC.
  9. Find a website that can perform a “speed test” on your Internet connection. Run the test and list the reported upload speed and download speed.
  10. Using an ASCII table online, what is the decimal code for the character “A”?
  11. Why is Charles Babbage known as the “father of computers”?
  12. What is the IP address of the computer you are using and how did you find that out?
  13. What is “dogpile” and how does it differ from a search engine like Google or ask?
  14. What is Virtual Network Computing and where was it invented?
  15. What is currently the world’s fastest computer?
  16. Who is credited with founding Pensacola? When did it happen?
  17. Define the term “Computer Bus”. What are two basic types of internal buses?
  18. What is a programming language? List three languages in current use.
  19. What is Wikipedia? Who can contribute to its content?
  20. What was ARPANET? How is it related to the Internet? 

Thursday, October 24

Netiquette "Be Yourself"; FA3 - Headers & Footers

Yesterday we went over the 10 rules of Netiquette as part of our preparation for this week's vocab quiz.  One of the rules of Netiquette is to be yourself, and I happened to find this article that I felt perfectly demonstrates what it means to be yourself.  This guy seems to be happy with who he is and is not afraid to show it without damaging his reputation - here it is.  After viewing this what do you think?  What type of individual would you think he is?

That should also serve as your reminder that tomorrow we will be taking vocab quiz over list #5 - Internet.  Please make sure to review tonight so you are well prepared for tomorrow.

Today we are going to be starting another formatting activity.  In this formatting activity you are going to be learning to insert information into the header and footer area of your document.  These areas can be important for a variety of reasons - usually because they contain information about the document that you are reading (page numbers, titles, etc.).

Activity 3 -

Wednesday, October 23

Netiquette; blank keyboard assignment; symbol practice

Today we are going to begin by going over some information regarding Internet Safety.  The following information is called netiquette, which is a combination of Internet and etiquette - so these are suggested rules of etiquette that one should follow when communicating online.  There are 10 rules and they can be found here:

Once we have covered that information we will review the keyboard.  Let's go to the Sense-Lang website and click on "BBC News" and choose one of the stories to work with.  We will take a few minutes to review, and then we will complete the assignment.

After completing the assignment we will go back and review from Monday the new symbols we have learned.  The lessons are located at the FreeTypingGames website - the objective is to complete Lessons 24-29 at a proficiency level of 15 words per minute or better.

Tuesday, October 22

Tuesday half day

With only half a day of school today we will enjoy our time in class with "Word-it" riddles.  You may work with a partner.

Remember that if you have not yet posted definitions for your vocab words on Wiki spaces that you need to get that completed by tonight.

Monday, October 21

Learning symbol keys; reminders about the week

There are a couple of reminders for today:

  1. Your crossword puzzle is due at the beginning of the hour - please turn it in with your name at the top
  2. If you have vocab definitions to post please get them posted by Tuesday night (this is week #5 - Internet #1 list).  You've had over 3 weeks to get this done so this should not be a problem.  This should also let you know that we do have a vocab quiz on Friday - be prepared.
Today we are going to learn the symbols on the keyboard.  This is a lot to absorb in one day, so we will be back to practice these later as well.  To do that we are going to go to one of the practice websites and go through the lessons for the symbols. The website you need to use is the FreeTypingGame website, and you need to go through Lessons 24 - 29. When you are going through these lessons the goal is to type at a 15 wpm rate.  Here are the fingers you use to key these symbols:

+ = Left shift + R4 (plus sign)
- = R4 (hyphen)
* = Left shift + R2 (asterisk)
/ = R4 (forward slash)
@ = Right shift + L3 (at symbol)
_ = Left shift + R4 (underscore)
# = Right shift + L2 (number)
& = Left shift + R1 (ampersand)
$ = Left shift + L1 (dollar)
% = Left shift + L1 (percent)
( = Left shift + R3 (left parentheses)
) = Left shift + R4 (right parentheses)

Friday, October 18

Finish FA2; crossword puzzle 1-4


Today you need to finish FA2 that we started yesterday.  Please read the instructions carefully!

After completing the formatting activity you will need to complete a crossword puzzle.  The crossword puzzle is a vocabulary review from the first 4 vocab lists that we have had.  You will be given class time to complete this as well, but if you are not able to get this done in class today then it is homework over the weekend.  It is due at the beginning of the hour on Monday.

If you get done with both the formatting activity and the crossword puzzle you need to go to the practice websites on the blog and practice your keying.

Thursday, October 17

Downloading vs. Uploading; FA2


Today we are going to begin working on FA2 - which helps you understand the difference between Save and Save As (there is a huge difference!).  This is a fundamental skill in order to be able to use a computer.  Without this skill you will be overwriting files and trying to find information that you won't be able to find.

But, before beginning the formatting activity we also need to cover the differences between downloading and uploading information to the Internet - this is critical in understanding your Google account and Google docs.

I tend to think of the difference in this manner - if you think of the Internet as something "in space" (or above), then when you download from the Internet you move information from the Internet "down" to your computer; when you upload you move it from your computer "up" to the Internet.  Depending on what you plan to do with Google docs, you have to know the difference in order to be able to understand what your process is.  For example, when you work on a Word document on your computer and you want to save it to Google docs you will be uploading your document to Google docs; if you are at home and you have your Google doc and you want to start working on it in Word you will need to download it to your computer from Google (or the Internet).

Let's look and see how this works with your files.  First, here is how you UPLOAD to Google Docs:
  1. You must be logged into your Google account.
  2. Go to your Google Drive
  3. In the top left, click on the red, up arrow (#1), then click on "Files..." (#2):

  4. Navigate on your computer to where the saved file is located and either double click on the file or select it then click on the Open button
  5. Once it has been uploaded to your Google Drive it will say that it has been completed. 
Now, here's the process to DOWNLOAD from the Internet to your computer:
  1. Open your Google Drive - you will have to be logged into your Google account to do this.
  2. Click the box to the left of the file that you want to download

  3. Move up to the top where there is a button labeled "More".  Click on the small down arrow to get the drop-down menu and select download 
  4. Your file will be downloaded and you will then be able to open your document in Word.  Depending on which browser you are using you will have to see how it handles a downloaded file.  Some, like Safari and Firefox, have a small arrow in the top right that you can click on to show you all the files that have been downloaded.  

Activity 2 -

Wednesday, October 16

Rainforest blogging

The first thing I would like everyone to do is check their email.  I have sent some people emails and this is a good time to make sure you haven't missed any messages from me.  Also, grades are due today, so if you have something you need to turn in it must get to me today, but you do not have time in class to work on makeup work.

Today you are going to have your first journal entry on your blog.  Your journal entry is going to be a reflection on the Rainforest unit you have been covering in your classes (according to Webster's dictionary, a reflection is the consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose).  Here are some thought-provoking questions that may help you to write your reflection:

  • What did you learn about the Rainforest?
  • What was interesting?
  • What was unique about the animal you researched?
  • Was there anything you already knew, and how did you already know it (had you learned it in another class, you read a book about it when you were in 4th grade, you saw something on tv, etc.)?
  • What was enjoyable about going to the Brookfield Zoo?  What was not enjoyable?
  • What did you like and/or dislike about the Rainforest rally with Niabi zoo, ice cream, and bingo?
  • What would you change about the Rainforest unit we study in 7th grade?

This needs to be posted on your blog today, and then you need to email me a link to your blog so I can see that you have posted your reflection.  This will be graded so make sure you get this done.  Here is how I will grade what you post:

Lastly, next week we will have another set of vocab words and a vocab quiz, so those of you who have not yet posted your definitions to the wiki spaces page will need to get that done in the next week.  You obviously have plenty of time, but I know some of you have forgotten so this is just a friendly reminder.

Thursday, October 10


Today we are going to start with our formatting activities. These activities are geared towards helping you understand how you can use Microsoft Word.  I am going to show you how to do several of these things in class, then you will be given the rest of the time today to complete this assignment.  This is due by tomorrow, but we only have about 15 minutes of class time tomorrow to get this done, so if you don't get this done today in class you may want to save your document to your Google Drive and then work on this at home tonight (this takes several minutes to complete - make sure you budget your time at the end of class today for this).

When you get this done you will email me your document as an attachment.  Don't forget...when you send an email there are 5 things you need to include in every email you send!

Activity 1 -

Wednesday, October 9

Embed your Internet Safety project movie

Today you are going to embed your Internet Safety Project video onto the blog that we made yesterday.  After embedding your movie on your blog, you will need to send me an email with the link to your blog.

Tuesday, October 8

Creating a blog

Today we are going to create your class blog.  There are several things that you need to keep in mind as we create your class blog:
  1. There will be no games are on your blog, and you therefore will not be playing games on your blog during class (if you don't know how to put widgets on your blog that have games - good!  If you do know how to do it - don't!)
  2. Class time is not time to make changes to your blog.  If Mr. Pardoe specifically gives you time to work on your blog you may do so...otherwise it is not a "toy" that you play with in here.  
  3. Everything you put on your blog must be school appropriate!
  4. Once the semester is over you can do with your blog what you want.  You are the owner/creator, so you have full power to use it as you wish (continue to use it for whatever purpose or completely delete the blog). 
Any violation of rules 1-3 above will result in you losing 10% of the next assignment that is due the first time, 20% the second time you are caught, and anytime thereafter you will lose 50% of the next assignment due.  That being said, let's go to to get busy creating your blog!

Monday, October 7

Internet Safety project

Today will be the last day, in class, that you will have to complete your project.  Because we are going to embed your video on your blog, you actually will have through at least tomorrow to get it done.  Since we have not yet created your blog you obviously cannot put your project on your blog.  Once we create your blog (that's what we'll do on Tuesday) then you will be able to embed your movie on your blog...but since that won't be until at least Wednesday you will still have a little time outside of class to work on your movie if needed.

If you are done with your project you need to choose one of the practice websites and practice.  Make sure to use your speed skin while you are practicing!

**New missing assignments lists have been posted!  If you have a missing assignment it currently is listed as a 0 on Skyward.  If you want to change that you will need to complete the missing assignment before Friday and get it submitted.  If your missing assignment is a vocab quiz that must be completed in my room - you may NOT complete these at home!

Friday, October 4

Continue Internet Safety project

Today you will continue to work on your project with a completion date of Monday.  If you are done you can go to the practice websites that are listed on the website resources page on the blog.  We are currently planning on finishing in-class work on the project on Monday.

Thursday, October 3

Internet Safety due Monday; Wikispaces vocab

As you continue to work towards completion of your project, please remember that you should be making an effort to accomplish all of the goals that are listed in the rubric.  I have embedded the rubric below so you can again look to see what it is that you should be trying to accomplish in your video (remember that this is also at the bottom of the Internet safety page on the blog).

Additionally, I have posted every vocabulary word on the class wikispaces page.  So you can now go and post the definitions to all of your vocabulary words, no matter what week they are due.  At this point, there should be absolutely no reason for you not to have your vocabulary definitions posted by the time its due to be posted.

Wednesday, October 2

Identity Theft video; Internet Safety project


Today you will again be working on your Internet Safety project with your partner.  You should be busy the entire hour completing the project.

We do not have a vocab quiz this week.  In fact, we don't have another vocab quiz until the week of October 21st (that's still 3 weeks away from this Friday).  As soon as I have the vocab words posted on the wiki spaces page I'll let you know.